A Romance Blossom-4

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Birds chirping over head, The waves crash gently against the boat, an orange tint lay apon  Dream and George's faces as they lay cuddled together in the somewhat cold morning breeze. 

It was a peaceful, easy-going day. 

George groaned as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and turned to look at Dream. 

"Good morning." Dream muttered with sleep still in his eyes. 

The brunette smiled at his morning voice, and cuddled closer to the blonde, loving the feeling of being held in his warm embrace. 

"Good morning to you too, Dream." 

"Hehe, so I was right about you two being lovies, huh?" Wilbur snickered. 

The two shot up in surprise not expecting anyone else to be there.  

"Wilbur, um- Hi! What- What are you doing up so early?" 

"I think the matter in question is why your both up here, he's not tied back up-" He said pointing to George.

"-And why your both cuddling?" Dream and George just looked at each other before quickly trying to come up with something. They honestly didn't know how it happened either. 

"Well, you see- we- we were drunk!" George quickly thought of. 

"Yeah, and we just wanted to look at the view so we came up here! And then it got cold and we fell asleep and like I said- it was cold- so we just I don't know, ended up cuddling?" Dream ranted, obviously embarrassed. 

"Uh huh," Wilbur said rolling his tongue to the side of his cheek. 

"Well, you two better eat before we go." 

"Go where exactly?" Dream asked. 

"Go return George?" Wilbur stated as if it was common knowledge. 

"Wait what?" They said in unison. 

"You do realize that we have him for trading, right? We give George back, they give us the rest of our shit back, it's a win win!" 

"How- when, what?" The blonde was very obviously confused. 

"You can process that as you eat, c'mon lets go." Wilbur grabbed their wrists and instructed the two dazed men down the rope ladder. 

"Oh! look who it is! The two love birds are finally awake!" Sapnap said through his breakfast. 

"Sap, were not love birds." The captain stated. 

"Uh huh, so why'd we find you two cuddling up in the lookout this morning then?" 

"Did you all come looking for us?" George asked. Everyone nodded. 

"Hey, do you remember that one time we were looking for that one treasure, in that forest with a bunch of confusing paths?" Dream asked as everyone (except George) nodded once more. 

"Yeah, remember when I got lost for a week there!?" The crew giggled quietly at Dream, who was only somewhat pissed off. 

"I was lost, fending for myself for a week. What'd you nimrods do? You waited. As if I was gonna' appear out of nowhere with the treasure." 

"Well, I mean-" Tommy started. 

"So you'll lose me in a forest for a week and only think to come find me the last day of the week- but you have no problem finding me and George up on the lookout." 

"I mean, you two were pretty cute cuddling up there." Sapnap stated making everyone giggle as George became flustered and Dream just sighing. 

Dream grabbed two plates of breakfast, handing one to George and sitting down. 

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