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Hi! Quick little 'warning' here for anyone who doesn't like the mention of alcohol. It's just rum but I figured I'd still put a warning in case anyone isn't comfortable with it. :)


"Men! Land hoe!" A tall Brunette yelled. He was about six feet tall, wore a pirates hat, and a long brown trench coat. He had Brown eyes, and wore a yellow shirt underneath. 

This tall brunette was a crew member belonging to the P.O.T.S, Pirates of the sea. Could you tell their crew wasn't the most creative? 

"Wilbur, prepare to dock!" A somewhat shorter, blonde man responded. He wore a similar coat as Wilbur, but instead it was shorter and a navy blue. He was also wearing a pirates hat, but a little less "professional."

"Sapnap, tie the sails! Tommy, Tubbo, ready the anchor!" The captain yelled.

"On it," They yelled back. Tubbo was much shorter than Tommy, and wore the same uniform as the first boy. Whilst Tommy was blonde and had green-blue eyes, Tubbo was brunette and had green eyes. 

As they started to dock, the two boys threw out the anchor whilst the others threw down a rope ladder to climb onto land. 

"Sapnap, did you grab the map?" Wilbur asked. Sapnap was shorter as well, but her wore a dark red shirt, and had an old brown coat over top. He wore a mix of some type of hat and headband; no one dared to question his fashion choices. 

"Yeah, here." The raven haired man said as he handed a stained piece of paper with markings to the captain through Wilbur. 

"Alright, well-" Dream was interrupted by Tommy.

"Hey uh, Dream?" Ah yes, Dream. Dream was the captain of the ship, and taller than Sapnap but shorter than Wilbur. He had dirty blonde hair, and had--what could only be described as-- emerald green eyes. Dream also wore a head piece, but this was more of a mask. A pure, white mask with a smile on the front. It was tied by a black strip going around his head. 

"What." The captain asked, slightly annoyed. 

"Uh, yeah. The sun's setting..." The tall masked blonde looked over to the horizon to see an orange sun reflecting on the glass like water. 

"Well, then we'll set up camp. Tommy, Tubbo and Sapnap go get the supplies and set up near the shore there, me and Wilbur will go explore and map out this place." They all hustled along to there jobs as Dream instructed. 

"Poor planning on our part huh, Cap."

"Yeah I suppose," He said while scratching the back of his head. 

"It's fine, I mean, It's a good opportunity to go hunting! Haven't had much other than fish for a while." Dream nodded in agreeance. 

"Yo, you good? You seem down."

"Yeah yeah, I'm good."

"Alright then..."

 Dream was excepting him to say something along the lines of , "You can always talk to me you know?" But he remained silent. 

"You know, if you do need to talk, talk to Nick. I'm not good with advice... and besides he probably knows you better than I do." As if Wilbur had read his mind.

"Yeah, thanks Will."

Dream was curious as to why Wilbur even asked. If he had dug any deeper, Dream would've made a fool of himself trying to come up with the answer. After all, even he didn't know what was wrong. Could he have been homesick? Maybe seasick, or motion sick. There were many possibilities but he decided to shove it down and keep walking around with Will and the map marking caves, coves, high animal activity grounds, and anything else like that. 

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