Janeway gets thrown from her seat and lands on some debris. When she finally comes to, she tries to sit up but finds there's something digging into her side. She brought her hand to her side to assess her injury and found that it was just a flesh wound so she yanked the piece of metal out with a small grunt of pain. When she heard the others coming to check on her, she quickly pulled herself up into her seat and hid the fact that she was injured. Billy disappears for a second, only to rematerialize a few seconds later in pain. He complains of feeling something move within him. The captain and Harron helped guide Billy to the aft section, so Celes could transport it out of him. When they reached the stairs, Harron supported Billy fully while Janeway jumped down the stairs. Harron sees her flinch as if she was in pain but focuses on getting Billy down the stairs. Once Billy gets settled on the biobed, Celes can't lock onto whatever was there. Billy tried to tell her that there was indeed something there, but nothing was working. Eventually, Janeway felt it and tried to assure him that he needs to stay relaxed.

Harron and Janeway needed to go start on repairs, so left Billy with Celes. Harron had thought the captain wasn't telling them the truth whether or not she was hurt or not, so decided to investigate. When he saw Janeway flinch again as she hauled herself up the stairs; he knew something was wrong. Without wasting another second, he helped her around the corner, so they were out of view from the others, and watched her sway against the wall. He asked "Captain, you weren't telling us the truth when we asked if you were alright...where you?" She stared up at him and realized she couldn't lie to them anymore, because she needed medical assistance. Reluctantly she said, "No I wasn't..." He cut her off and asked "Where? How Bad?" She brought her hand to her side and responded "My side...I'm sure it's just a flesh wound..." Before she could say anymore he pressed her hand down harder on the wound. He watched as she recoiled quickly from the pain, and both their hands were now stained crimson red. "Oh my god, Captain! Why didn't you say anything?" He angrily asked her, as he tore off a part of his undershirt to hold against the wound. She weakly responded, "I didn't think it was that bad...and I didn't want you guys to worry..." Harron helped shift her weight against him so that they could make their way to the bridge.

Once on the bridge, he insisted that she sit and focus on keeping the pressure on the wound, but of course, she refused and found herself on the ground working on the circuitry for the thrusters. Harron was working at the main console to try and fix the main computer when he heard a small thud. He turned to see the captain laying face down in front of the open panel. Celes ran onto the bridge with Billy who now felt fine, and saw the same thing Harron saw. They all rushed to her side and gently eased her into Harron's arms. Celes frantically asked "What happened?" while Billy ran to grab the nearest medkit. Harron told them "She was apparently severely injured from the first jolt, but didn't tell us because she didn't want us to worry." Billy was moving the scanner across their unconscious captain and alerted everyone that "She has massive internal bleeding! Her kidney is perforated, and her spleen is punctured. We need to get her back to Voyager NOW!" They were all paying attention to billy until they heard a quiet moan. Their heads snapped down to see their captain waking up. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw her crew looking down at her. "What happened?..." Harron quickly responded with "I told you to rest, but you went ahead and started working on the thrusters..." Billy cut him off and added, "You passed out from blood loss." Celes retorted with "Captain, why didn't you tell us you were hurt? We could have helped you." Janeway tried to sit herself up but they all held her down, so she said "There was nothing you could do for me...I needed you all to focus...on getting the shuttle working...and getting us back to the ship." They understood, but Harron was the next to speak; saying "Billy and I are going to continue working on the shuttle, and you are going to get settled in the back with Celes..." He paused and turned to give Celes some instructions; telling her "You need to make sure you keep the pressure on her side and make sure she rests. If anything changes let us know immediately, and I will send Billy to come and check up on her." They all agreed and helped him carry her to the aft section. They got the captain settled on one of the bunks, with enough room for Celes to sit and press the cloth hard enough against her side. The two men left to work on getting the captain back to the ship.

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