Chapter 19 // third session

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Day nineteen


Session three

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Session three

"Can we have a session?"

Allison's eyes flickered up from her phone as they fell upon James' figure standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Since their fight they hadn't slept in the same bed, they wanted to take things slow.

"Is everything okay?" Allison asks worriedly while sitting up. "Do you have back nightmares?"

James takes a deep breath before nodding his head.

"I know we wanted to take things slow, but you can sleep here whenever you want. You know that, right?" Allison felt bad for him.

"I know.. but I don't want to do a session because of my nightmares." James makes it clear while walking up to the chair at her table across from her bed.

James continues, "I knew I would have them again from the moment we didn't sleep in the same bed anymore.. I know that's stupid b-"

"It is not stupid, James." Allison cuts James off while taking her notebook.

James' knee started to bounce up and down. His anxiety started to get control over him. Allison noticed he was getting nervous, so she started the session before he could change his mind.

"Okay let's start and try to relax. Keep in mind that you wanted this and that you are ready for this." Allison says smiling to calm him down.

James nods and relaxes his body in the chair.

"Maybe tell me first why you wanted to do a session today, James?" Allison suggests as she crosses her legs and puts her notebook on them.

"I-I want, I want to, I.."

"Relax James, you can tell me."

James takes a deep breath, "I want to be better for you but also for myself. I think I am finally ready to heal." He admits.

James' words surprised Allison, but these days, everything he did came as quite a shock to Allison. "That is great progress, James." She says proud.

James could feel the fear leave his body by her words. He was relieved that he finally could say these words to her and himself.

"What made you want to be better?"

You, he wanted to say but instead said; "I don't want to live the way I live now for another many years. I want to enjoy life again." James admits.

Allison was shocked about his words, she never thought she would hear those words out of his mouth. She had been wondering what could possibly be about her that caused him to progress this much in less than 3 weeks.

𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✔︎ 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 1Where stories live. Discover now