Trapped In A Nightmare (4)

Start from the beginning



Jumping up to sit on the edge of the ship, Buffy grins as she leans forward, resting her chin playfully on the palm of her hand. Smirking over at the still-tied-up pirate currently sitting opposite her on the floor.
As he struggles against the binds she had wrapped around him, Buffy giggles softly before bringing the bottle of rum she had stolen out of his office to her lips "Oh, I'm sorry, did I foil your evil plan?" She taunts as she quirks her eyebrows at him playfully.

Rolling his eyes, Hook sighs deeply as he pulls against the ropes, yet again he finds himself unable to break free of his binds "Well you're certainly not helping Luv."

 "Not the helping kind." Buffy snarks before jumping down from her seat and moving to sit down in front of him, crossing her legs as she does "So...Hook, how you been? What have you been up to? Bit of shopping? Any vacations? Oh, I know, how was your trip to Storybrooke? Tell me all about, in the hell you got here?!"

Hook couldn't help but snort in amusement at her obvious desire to escape Storybrooke "I take it your agreement with the heroes did not turn out as desired."

"Wow, you can state the obvious. Very impressive." Buffy snarks before moving to untie his hand shocking him slightly.
Ignoring his shocked gaze Buffy merely hands him the bottle of rum allowing him to take a drink before he hands the bottle back to her.
Taking one more gulp which given she had been mixing her spirits all day was probably not the best idea, Buffy sighs softly before allowing her eyes to meet the pirate's piercing blue eyes.

A rare vulnerability filled her green orbs "I need to did you get here?"

Hook paused every so slightly as he watched the blonde curiously, the last time he had seen this much emotion in her eyes, it was right before Cora had buried her alive.
From what he had noticed, Buffy was normally better at hiding behind an emotionless façade.
"The bean the giant had." He reveals as he takes the bottle of rum back from her, pausing ever so slightly as his hand brushes with hers, finding himself unable to pull away for a split second as electricity went through him. Just touching her sent strange unfamiliar senses through his body.

"The lake restored its power."

Inhaling tightly, Buffy brings her knees to her chest, thinking back to the dead powerless bean that had once rested around Anton's neck.
She should have taken that, but she hadn't had the heart to do it.

It was Anton's reminder of what he had lost. She could understand the need to hold onto it.
"Long shot in the dark..." She whispers softly just as Hook holds out the bottle back towards her, the two falling into an easy exchange system when it came to booze "Do you have another?"


Buffy couldn't help but snort at his question "They lied to me. There is nothing here that can get me home. So before I start heading to every corner of this earth I thought I would give it a shot."
"Sorry to say Luv, there was only one bean."
"Yeah...I figured." Buffy whispers as she brings the bottle to her lips, downing a large gulp of the harsh liquid before glaring up at the sky.

As Buffy stares up into the sky silent, the pirate silently examines her, something had obviously changed since he had last seen her. While Cora had filled him on her true parentage during their trip to Storybrooke it was obvious now that Buffy herself finally knew the truth.
And clearly, it wasn't happy news for her.

Spotting her abruptly stand from her place, the pirate sighs deeply unsure of why he was about to do what he was planning...but he couldn't stop himself.
"Slayer..." He breaths drawing her attention "I don't say this often...but I am sorry."
Frowning in confusion, Buffy places the bottle of rum down before turning to the pirate who was slowly pulling himself to his feet.


At her confused statement, Hook moves to stand in front of her and exhales uncomfortably as he attempts to force himself to speak, for some reason when he was around her he felt like a nervous schoolboy again.

"I shouldn't have left you buried in the earth like that."

Clenching her jaw at the mere mention of what had happened Buffy takes a threatening step toward the pirate "Don't" She hisses getting into his face, more than willing to knock out his teeth.
Chuckling softly the pirate quickly raises his hand and hook in surrender before she started breaking pieces of him like he could see she wanted to "You and I are a lot alike Luv...fueled by vengeance."
"You don't know anything about me." Buffy snaps before shoving him away from her, he was getting too close to her for her liking.

As he stumbles a few steps back, Buffy scoffs before moving to grab her things off the floor. Yet despite her obvious desire to no longer continue their conversation Hook was now more determined than ever.

He had hit a nerve within her, that was obvious.

"See I think I do..." He argues only to have Buffy spin back around to face him with a strong glare on her face automatically causing him to shut up.

"You touch the girl again and I will rip out your intestines and wear them as a scarf." She hisses before grabbing the half-full bottle of rum back off the floor as she begins making her way to the exit of the ship. Intent on getting the hell away from the pirate as soon as possible "Thanks for the rum "

"Luv you could always stay..."

At the obvious sexual innuendo, Buffy couldn't help but groan in disgust as she throws her bag over her shoulder "Ewww...never gonna happen. But given I did tie you up on a beanstalk I'll give you some friendly should leave. Before the Lizard wizard comes for you for taking his girl"

"You can't stop me from getting vengeance."

Sighing softly, Buffy merely smiles weakly "I won't." She admits shocking him slightly.
He had expected her to go full hero on him, yammering on about good and evil yet she was doing the exact opposite.

"Get your vengeance I don't care... just don't hurt anyone innocent in the process. You do that, and that hand won't be the only missing appendage on your body."


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