A Whole New World (3)

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As the clock struck 3:00 am a very exhausted Buffy Anne Summers pushes into her apartment.
It was definitely one of the most stunning places she had ever lived, which was ironic given that she barely made minion wage at the bar.
Yet that was the benefit of one of your close Slayer friends also being a wealthy heiress who considered the penthouse overlooking the whole city and the Golden Gate bridge, too small for her own use so was more than happy to let Buffy crash there.
Moving over to her open plan kitchen Buffy dumps her jacket on the countertop before moving to grab the leftover pizza in the fridge, she just wanted to eat and then sleep all day tomorrow.

Grabbing the pizza box, the blonde moves over to the white leather couch which was wrapped around the floor-to-ceiling windows.
This place was definitely extravagant. Maybe a bit much for her taste but she sure as hell wasn't going to complain about living for free in a penthouse.

However, before she could enjoy her food a harsh groan escapes her lips as she spots a familiar balance demon pouring himself a drink at her bar. Why the apartment had a large bar in the corner of the room by the oversized fireplace she would never understand.

"You have got to be kidding me." She mutters rolling her eyes as she jumps onto the couch, shoveling a slice of pizza into her mouth, just looking forward to this conversation being over already.
Whistler chuckles as he pours himself a glass of rum before making his way over to a slightly smaller couch opposite the blonde "Nice to see you too, Kid."

"Whistler, what the hell are you doing here?" She snaps unamused by his presence, she was tired and starving and in no mood to deal with any demon, let alone this one. He always tended to show up at the worst moments in her life when she was feeling down.

"Stand down."

At the sudden seriousness of his words, Buffy freezes her body going tense as she finally leans forward, placing her food down on the coffee table so she didn't launch it at his face and ruin her perfect carpeted floor "Excuse me?"

"This path you're going down is dangerous." He warns her, all of his typical smug jokey attitude suddenly long gone, left with a business-focused man "The powers are ordering you to stand down."

Buffy couldn't help but scoff, she hated that word, she had been hearing it constantly since she was 15. Since the second she was called as The Slayer she had orders constantly being thrown her way, first from The Watchers Council and now The Powers The Be. Just the thought of them thinking they could order her around made her scoff, The Powers had done nothing for her over the years, she had been through hell without them and she wasn't going to let them send their lackeys at her with orders now.

"I don't follow their orders, Whistler."

At the harshness of her tone, Whistler sighs, he could hear it in her voice, there would be no changing her mind. She had taken too many hits and she was done following rules when it came to The Powers and Prophecies. He had to admit he respected that, he himself had warned the Powers that she wouldn't cower and just do as they requested, she had been kicked down one too many times.
Clapping his hands in surrender he merely raises his glass at her before chuckling as he downs the drink before standing "Don't say, I didn't warn you." He tells her before moving to leave her home. However, before he reaches the door he throws one last look in her direction "I'll be seeing you kid...in two years to be exact."

At the specific time frame, Buffy couldn't help but glance over at him, finding herself curious. She hadn't seen this demon since she was 17 and that had been years ago, so what was going to be different in two years?

"What happens in 2 years?"

Letting a small sly all-knowing smile cross his lips the balance demon merely tilts his hat in her direction, not willing to spoil the surprise quite yet.

"You will just have to wait and see kid.


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