Haunted By Dreams (2)

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Tapping her pink painted nails against the now very empty martini glass in her hands, Buffy eyes the file that Lorne had given her carefully. Nodding her head towards the sweet green-skinned demon opposite her she exhales softly as he refills her very much needed drink while she flips through the pages of the dense file. Photo after photo of Amy across the country with a very familiar face. The face she loathed more than anything in this world.


Bringing her newly filled glass to her lips Buffy downs pretty much the whole martini in one gulp before slamming her glass back down on the table. Just the sight of Amy chilling with Ward made her feel physically sick. Willow had spent years taking care of Amy trying to figure out how to turn her back to a human from her rat form yet the witch's idea of re-payment was to get Willow and other innocent girls killed.

"Where is she now?"

That was all Buffy was able to mumble out as she finally tears her gaze off the file, trying to reign in the desire to toss the file across the bar floor and tear the place to shreds.
"She was here a few days ago." Loren admits as he takes a sip of his own drink before gesturing for his waiter to bring over another pitcher of mixer knowing that Buffy would probably need another drink, sooner rather than later "When she sang, I picked up a few things. She's staying in a motel about a mile away from here. But she's leaving for Amsterdam the day after tomorrow."
"I have five girls in Amsterdam." Buffy whispers weakly in realization, those girls were next on Amy's list. If she didn't stop Amy now then those girls would be handed over to Ward on a silver platter. She had to stop Amy before she left the states, it was now or never.

Taking a shaky breath the blonde runs her shaky hands through her strawberry blonde locks before eyeing Loren seriously, it was time to break her vow. To protect her girls she had to break herself "Tell me where I'm going."



Music echoed through every inch of the small Sam Francisco club; every inch of the building filled with loud overbearing music. Not that it was bothering any of the customers who were too busy downing drink after drink to notice. While the staff were so accustomed to it at this point that they barely noticed the blasting ear-damaging music. Every night was the same in a place like this. Everyone was like ships passing in the night.
Although tonight was different for one particular reason.
That reason revolved around a certain bartender with blue and platinum hair who was currently dancing on top of the bar, dancing and laughing along with her co-workers as she did every night. A woman who once used to be known as Buffy Anne Summers. Though to the citizens of San Francisco, she was known by a different name.
Sarah Jessica Pierson.

That was the name the 24-year-old Slayer went by now. She had a new life one she actually enjoyed. Which was what she was doing right now. Allowing her chin-length highlighted blue/platinum hair to swing with her as she danced with her co-worker on top of the bar while pouring a bottle of liquor into customers' mouths. Buffy had to admit for the first time in a while she was enjoying herself. She had fully emersed herself in this new life, in this new identity.

Noticing her bottle of tequila was close to empty, the blonde jumps off the bar, the click of her heels echoing loudly as she lands behind the bar. Moving to grab another bottle she pauses as she spots a very cute guy waiting to be served as he sits at the bar, nursing an almost empty beer. Flashing him a small smile, the blonde tucks a short strand of blue/white hair behind her ear before leaning across the bar, allowing her green eyes to meet his "Hey, what can I get you?"

At the sound of her voice, the dark-haired man glances up from where he had been nursing his beer to watch the blonde. Smiling up at the blonde a nervous red begins to fill the handsome man's cheeks, making him more adorable if possible "Scotch on the rocks."
"You got it." Buffy assures him before easily flipping a bottle through the air as she grabs the glass and ice. Catching the bottle as though it were one of her weapons the blonde begins pouring the amber liquid into the chilled glass only to pause as the cute guy speaks up drawing her attention.

'I'm Chris."

Pushing his newly filled glass towards him Buffy places the scotch back down before smiling back at him, he was cute and seemed harmless enough "Nice to meet you, Chris." She replies kindly as she takes the cash for the drink before moving to get back to work. However, before she could move to grab the tequila she had originally meant to grab the brunette tries to draw her attention, yet again.

"Do I get a name?"

At his obvious attempt at harmless flirting, Buffy couldn't help but laugh softly before shaking her head in amusement, it was funny to think how good she used to be at the whole flirting game yet now she felt like a blind dog who kept running into walls "Most people here call me SJ. You can call me Sarah."

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