A Whole New World (1)

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Letting the heated water from the showerhead spray down on her bruised and sore body, Buffy runs her scarred hands through her long wet locks of blonde hair which were practically reaching halfway down her back now.
Her hair hadn't been this long since before she had been called, she had forgotten how much of a pain long hair could be especially in a fight.

Moving to rub her hands over her face as the water falls down around her, Buffy couldn't help but pause as she finally takes in the sight of her knuckles.

She had avoided looking at them.

The familiar torn open wounds that came from punching your way out of the ground just made her stomach twist uncomfortably. It was like a mirror image, the wounds were in the exact same place they had been 6 years ago when she had first gotten the scars. It was like the universe was laughing at her misery by leaving her with the exact same wounds.
Clenching her jaw tightly Buffy stop the pit of anger filling her chest, just the sight of her knuckles torn open to shreds sent waves of anguish through her.

Unable to enjoy the warmth of the water or the feeling of being allowed to shower alone Buffy reluctantly climbs out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her body as a frustrated sigh escapes her lips. For months when she had been in prison all she had wanted was a peaceful shower with hot water, yet somehow the universe had ruined that by mocking her with her past.

Moving to stand in front of the mirror, Buffy slowly wipes the steam away finally allowing her to see her own reflection. She was practically a shell of her former self, it would take a lot of make-up to make her look less like a member of the walking dead.
Eyeing the cut on her face that was almost completely healed Buffy sighs as her eyes land on the tattoo of the Claddagh symbol on her wrist.
She hated that Cora seeing that had exposed some of her weaknesses to Emma and Mary Margaret.
Unable to control her frustration or annoyance at her half-dead appearance Buffy slammed her fist out, cracking the mirror into multiple shards.

As the glass shatters and fills the sink, Buffy couldn't help but wince, she was really building up a tab of damage costs at this damn inn.
She needed to get some cash and quick or hopefully she could escape this planet before the bill showed up.

Pulling the small shards of broken glass out of her now re-open wounds, Buffy couldn't help but sigh as she makes her way into her room.
Grabbing the small first aid kit from the cupboard the blonde moves to wrap her knuckles, trying to bury the terror that was threatening to consume her.

Once her bandages were all tied up Buffy smiles weakly "Out of sight, out of mind." She whispers softly as she lies to herself.
Pretending that none of it had happened was easier than addressing the unresolved trauma that was threatening to break her surface.

Moving to grab the clothes she had gotten from one of the few stores in town Buffy couldn't help but snort as she tosses the green leather pants and black turtle neck sweater onto the bed. It had been a strange thing, the second she had stepped into the shop the old lady had said that some lady named Ruby had called telling her to put anything Buffy wanted on her tab.
While Buffy wasn't one to complain about free clothes, everyone in this town was just being so nice to her and it was kind of creepy.

The sudden sound of the chiming of the town bell going off from outside her window shakes Buffy's mind off the strange way people in this town had been so nice to her...at least when they weren't staring at her like she had six arms.
Pulling back the curtain Buffy allows a small sigh to escape her lips as her eyes scan the town square of Storybrooke.
It really was a mini Sunnydale, it seemed so innocent on the outside, but given this town was filled with Storybook characters there was a darkness at the center of it.

Allowing her eyes to go from the clock tower to the streets below the blonde couldn't help but groan as she spots Henry and Emma walking through the streets, side by side. 

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