The Birth Of The Three Worlds

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Thousands of years ago a delicate balance was created.

The Powers That Be split the Universe into three separate entities.
Three different worlds; each one completely different.

Out of the three, Our World was the key.
It could be described as the Switzerland of the Universe, standing in between two extremely powerful and dangerous universes.

One, where fairytales were not just stories but reality.
A world where happy endings, while more complicated than they seemed, were still possible.
The Enchanted World, where stories such as Snow White, Cinderella, and even Neverland resided.

On the other end of the spectrum was the Demonic World, where the nightmares we hear as children lived.
Monsters, demons, vampires, and all other horrifying creatures.
The demonic world was their home.
Unlike the Enchanted World, in this world no dreams came true, there was nothing but endless pain and violence.

Our world kept the two magical realms separate, as, at the start of time, The Powers had foreseen nothing but the destruction of our entire universe if the Enchanted and Demonic were to mix.
There would be too much power.
Power that would destroy everything.

And so, the three realms remained separate, the only knowledge our world had of them were in the fairytales and the horrifying camp stories we grew up with.

There had never been a crossover between the enchanted and the demonic world...

...Until 26 years ago.

On that day, a dreadful Curse was cast, sending the characters we thought we knew from the Enchanted Forest into our world. Ripping them away from their happy endings.

But that was not all that happened that day.
Before the Curse was enacted, Our World received two young visitors... two young sisters.
One merely a few hours old and the other a 2-year-old mop of blonde hair.
All alone in the world, with nowhere else to go.
Their family, now cursed and torn away from them.

Both girls were powerful and filled with light; both were selfless heroes who would do whatever they could to save the people they loved.
Both with destinies they would later learn of.

One would break a curse and the other would vanquish powerful evil.

However, despite the similarities in their hearts and souls, both girls grew into two very different women.

The elder of the two, struggled in Our World, jumping from foster home to foster home, struggling to make a home, a family.
She spent the next 26 years of her life alone, searching desperately for her parents...and her baby sister.
And while she succeeded in finding their parents, she never found her sister.

Though it wasn't for a lack of trying; not even a day after their arrival in this world, a speaker for the Powers That Be was sent to bring the child to the demonic world.
While she had light in her, she also had darkness.
They knew that as a child born of true love she would be different. They tapped into the darkness inside of her making sure that she would become a warrior.
One of the best, to ever see the demonic world.

They knew she would change the world... change the balance.

And so, the two sisters followed their own paths alone.
Never to see each other again... not until magic could be brought to our world.

 Now thanks to a Dark Curse being broken, magic was entering our world from the small town of Storybrooke, Maine.

With magic in reach for the first time in 26 years, the two sisters could finally be reunited.

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