A Whole New World (4)

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Grinning in satisfaction as her knife goes straight into the center of Ward's damn face on the dartboard photo, Buffy gleefully smiles as she stares at the photo. Ward with a blade in his forehead was definitely better looking than normal Ward.
Tossing one more blade at the photo for good measure, Buffy grins happily before moving to turn down her blasting radio.
Pulling her sweaty hair up into a loose bun, Buffy grabs her jumper pulling it over her head, covering her sports bra-clad chest. Relishing in the fluffy feeling of the old Sunnydale High Jumper, Buffy grabs her book and a glass of orange juice off the kitchen counter before moving to sit on the terrace.

Dropping down onto the outdoor couch, the blonde lays across the couch comfortable flipping through the book while she sips her juice, enjoying her rare day off. Not only did she not have bar work today but she also didn't have any meetings with the Slayer Council today.
Plus she had already done her contact drop at the train station this week, where the Wesley would leave updates for her or warnings about girls in San Francisco that needed her help.

So today, her plan was simple. To do absolutely nothing.

Reaching out to grab the bagel she had set aside before her workout, the blonde moves to bite into it only to let out a small, frustrated sigh as right before she could bite into it her phone begins ringing loudly.

She should have known it was too good to be true.

Slamming the bagel back down on the plate, the blonde grabs her phone and flips it open "Gunn, I swear if this is about Wes's bachelor party..."
Suddenly a loud laugh comes through the phone causing Buffy's eyes to widen before a groan of annoyance escapes her lips.
She knew that laugh.

"How did you get my number, Chris?"

"I'm a determined man, Sarah. Okay.. truthfully?"

"Would be much appreciated." Buffy mumbles completely unamused as she dumps her book on the floor before grabbing her Ward file, clearly her plan to spend the day doing nothing was ruined, so she may as well go into research mode and practice her Giles impression.
"I annoyed Paige at the bar till she gave me your number. I really don't think she likes me."

Grumbling under her breath trying to fight off the small smile threatening to break through her face, Buffy tries to focus on her research while keeping her voice unaffected and neutral "Yeah, she doesn't like anyone."

"Yeah, and she was really mean to me. Said some hurtful things. My heart is wounded but I feel like if you were to maybe meet me for a drink it would help with my recovery."

At his teasing tone, Buffy shakes her head in amusement before pulling out the photo of Ward and Chris from the file, maybe one more conversation wouldn't hurt...maybe she had missed something over the past 6 months.
At least this way, she would be able to settle her mind before she decided on her next move. After tonight she would be able to put the big cross over Chris's name in the file and then she could figure out where her next lead would be taking her.

"If I go out for drinks with you, will you lose my number?"

"No promises...I'll pick you up at 7."



Sitting on top of one of the few gravestones filling the tiny graveyard of Storybrooke, Buffy sighs as she stares down at the charm bracelet she had stolen from the Charming's home. Just the sight of the bracelet had kicked all her patience free of her body. From the wardrobe to the scroll and now this, that was too many coincidences in her mind, plus the fact that Mary Margaret and Emma had clearly known something about the connections when they were in the Enchanted Forest had sent Buffy over the edge.
She had helped them get home because Mary Margaret had assured her that the magic here could get her home, yet instead of actually introducing her to actual magic users, they had been trying to get her to come to parties and lunch dates.

It was almost like they didn't want her to go...or they had no idea how to get her back.

She had tried to believe the best in them and give them the benefit of the doubt but all of these dots were connecting and she didn't like it.
So sitting here in this weirdly grave-less graveyard just reinforced in Buffy's mind how important it was for her to get home.

"Thank god." A familiar voice pipes up from behind her causing the blonde to jump, almost toppling off the grave as she turns to face the panicked Mary-Margaret who was rushing toward her "Buffy, we came back in and you were just gone..."
"Geez..." Buffy exclaims as she quickly jumps off the headstone before she could fall off it completely "You don't just sneak up on people in a graveyard." She snaps at her mother "You make noise when you walk...like whistling or you know...a yodel."

"Sorry" Mary Margaret winces before watching her daughter who looked more comfortable here in a graveyard than she had the entire time she had been in Storybrooke "It's just...well no one really comes here."
"I'm a vampire Slayer." Buffy reminds her as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which to Buffy it still was given she was more used to people knowing her secret identity than not "She who hangs out a lot in cemeteries. Force of habit."

Realizing that Buffy was using humor to deflect the fact that she had literally climbed out of a window to get away from them, Mary Margaret couldn't help but sigh in worry, she truly had no idea of how to reach her daughter emotionally, the wall between them was so clear to her "Buffy...what happened? You took off before we could sit down for lunch and talk... "

No longer willing to listen, Buffy cuts Mary Margaret off by raising the bracelet she had been playing with for her birth mother to see "Where did you get this?"

 "It...it's Emma's."

Mary Margaret answers hesitantly with a nervous stutter, the look in Buffy's eyes was scaring her...Buffy was looking at her with so much...distrust and hatred that it truly broke her heart.
"Hmm." Buffy hums in an almost sarcastic tone, clearly not buying it, Buffy could spot a half-truth from a mile away, she had enough practice over the years.
"Let me ask you something...do you remember what I told you I don't believe in?
"And leprechauns." Buffy finishes with a small shrug as she takes slow steps towards the raven-haired beauty till they were stood chest to chest "But anyway...I'm gonna talk now and no interruptions." She warns her mother with a dark look in her eyes, making it crystal clear that this was no longer a friendly conversation, this was a threat.

In Buffy's mind, Mary Margaret was lying to her and getting in her way of getting home. Of getting back to the Slayers that needed her, which meant she couldn't be trusted, no matter how innocent she may seem.

"So let me clarify...The charm which matches my tattoo almost exactly, the creepy cell, the lion the witch, and the wardrobe...let me ask you something Snow White? Am I going to have start throwing punches to get answers? See I think I've been nice, got you home to your cute loft, reunited you with your very chatty grandson hell I even let him interview me about my life and me what do I get? Stabbed, chased by a giant, hit on by pirate who sadly makes me realize I have a type and lied too repeatedly."
Pausing in her words, Buffy glances over the graveyard surrounding them before scoffing and turning back to her mother glaring at her "You know what I have waiting back there for me? Innocent kids, girls who just like me were given power and are scared. I can stop what happened to me from happening to them. Yet instead of helping me, as we agreed, you and your husband are too busy playing the Buffy Summers edition of 20 questions. Not once since we have arrived here have you actually told me that you will help me get back and I realized today for some reason...you don't want to. I know it has to do with all these half-truths you've been throwing at me but I've decided I don't care. You can't or won't help me get home...so you're useless to me."

Mary Margaret winced at Buffy's words, but the truth of the matter was, as much as Buffy's words hurt...it was true.
She didn't want Buffy to go home because that would mean losing her again. But given the look in the blonde's eyes, she was about to lose her anyway, even if it wasn't in a physical sense. If she didn't tell Buffy the truth now then they would lose any chance of a relationship with her.

"Buffy I..."

She attempts to finally tell her the truth, that she was her mother only to let out a small scream as Buffy shocks her by lifting a nearby gravestone over her head launching it in her direction.
And while it didn't hit her, the sound of the stone cracking into pieces as it collided with the tree behind her did make the raven-haired woman flinch.

"I'm fairly certain I said no interruptions." Buffy states simply before pushing past Mary Margaret without even bothering to glance back at her as she walks away from the shocked frozen woman who had suddenly found herself unable to speak.
"I'll find my own way home but do me a favor stay the hell away from me, now I have a wizard to interrogate. "

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