Over My Un-Dead Body (1)

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Sitting on the edge of her bed in Chris's button-down shirt, Buffy's eyes were glued to the books Wesley had left for her at their drop point. While yes, knowing that Wolfram and Hart was a big part of why her life had gone to hell sucked, it also helped that Wesley, Gunn, and Fred had spent years facing off against the Law Firm.

Which meant they had hundreds of hours worth of research for her to comb through. She was determined to find something, anything that might lead to a physical link between Ward and Evil Incorporated. Something she could use to break the connection.

"Buffy?" Chris mumbled sleepily as he wiped his barely open eyes and glanced over at the blonde who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Leaning up in bed, he couldn't help but sigh as he spotted the time on the alarm clock "Buff... it's five in the morning."
"Hence the coffee." Buffy mumbled raising her oversized coffee mug for him to see before bringing the liquid goodness to her lips "Yum...coffee god, helps with the words putting into sentences thing."
Sighing the shirtless man sat up taking the coffee from her hands, concern itched all over his face "How many have you had?"

"Six and two red bulls. Great combination!"

Chuckling softly, Chris couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at the blonde, she was in a complete coffee frenzy right now. Her skin was practically jumping from all of the caffeine in her blood. As he moved to put the coffee out of her reach, Buffy's eyes widened in panic.
Quickly sitting up onto her knees, Chris's shirt hitting her mid thighs she attempted to steal her drink back "No! Need it, for thoughts to process, in head. Give it."

Chris just pulled the coffee further away from her "Yeah, no more caffeine."

Glaring down at him, Buffy clenched her jaw tightly before grabbing her pillow and hitting him in the face with it "I could crush you. Have you ever heard the tale of what happened to the man that took his girlfriend's coffee? No? Exactly, he didn't live to tell the tale!"

Amused by her anger the human grabbed the blonde by the waist hauling her up before settling her down so that she was sitting on his lip, though her glare did not fade in the slightest.
"You know you're cute when you're mad."
"Don't compliment my adorable pout when you steal my thinking juice." She argued, trying not to smile when he merely pouted back at her.

Rolling her eyes the blonde sighed softly as he pushed the stray strand of icy blonde newly pink highlighted hair behind her ear. Though another strand just broke free of the messy bun resting on the top of her head.

Groaning as she spotted him trying not to laugh at the bird's nest on her head, Buffy exhaled deeply before slouching in defeat "Okay, scale of 1 to Sharon Osborne...how crazy do I look?"
"Not crazy...determined and okay a little insane."
"You really know how to charm a girl Markson." She snarked flatly causing him to chuckle in amusement before shocking her by flipping them over. His body pinned her back down onto the bed as he hovered above her.

Letting out a small giggle, Buffy sighed in pleasure as Chris began kissing his way down her neck, going straight for her sweet spot which always made her struggle to think clearly.
"Chris..." Buffy whimpered, her self-control slipping by the second "Can't have to...research...Ward...Evil Lawyers in Prada...oh Prada...okay, I also have to go shopping..."
Groaning in annoyance, Chris pulled back from the blonde's neck, looking her straight in the eyes "Buffy, I adore you, but, I'm kissing you right now, let's not invoke the devil's name." Spotting her still trying to hold onto her control Chris laughed softly before sighing in defeat.

If he wanted her focus he would have to give her something in return.

"I will drive you to the mall later."

"I never found you more attractive...okay continue kissing me."



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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