Trapped In A Nightmare (1)

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"Buffy, I told you when you were 17 that one day, you would return to where you belong. This is where you belong with them...your family."

" are the second born child to Snow White and Prince Charming...they are your parents."

"Huh?" Buffy whispers weakly as she stares at Whistler with wide eyes.

For the past five minutes, she had merely stared at her newfound family in silence, she had started yelling profanities into the air before her voice had finally caught in her throat.

Throwing him a small begging gaze, she couldn't hold back the terror filling her, this couldn't be real, if this wasn't a joke, it had to be a nightmare, because this... was too much.

She couldn't handle this.

Sensing the inner turmoil running through the young blonde, Whistler merely sighs before shaking his head causing a small gasp to leave Buffy's lips.
As her heart begins to pound against her chest frantically, almost painfully, Buffy's breathing slowly becomes erratic, oxygen struggling to get into her lungs.
Buffy knew she was having a panic attack, but she was too focused on trying to make sense of everything to even notice.

This just didn't make sense.

She had parents.

She had been raised by Joyce and Hank Summers and while yes, her family was gone, they were her family. She was Joyce's daughter, not Mary Margaret and David's, and her sister...the sister she had died for had been Dawn Summers...her baby sister.

She didn't, couldn't have an older sister.

As her breathing becomes more strained, Emma's eyes widen in concern and she steps forward "Buffy..."

At the sound of Emma's voice, Buffy's eyes suddenly snap to her a dark dangerous glare filling the Slayer's eyes.
Ignoring Emma, Buffy clenches her jaw tightly before turning her dark gaze back to the balance demon.
Gone was the confusion and panic, now all she had left was the rage.

Pushing past Emma, Buffy makes her way straight over to the demon and grabs him by the collar of his jacket before slamming him up against the police car, glaring furiously into his eyes "This is crap." She hisses in complete denial of the truth, she refused to believe that she was Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter, it made no sense, it was completely impossible "I don't know what this kind of a joke this is, but I don't need you or the Powers to tell me who I am. I am Buffy Anne Summers, I'm The Slayer. I am the daughter of Hank and Joyce Summers not..." Trailing off the blonde throws an uncaring gesture in her birth family's direction before slamming her fist right throw the car window right by Whistler's face, causing the glass to shatter everywhere "You know what else I am? Testy."

"Buffy, I understand that after what happened to Dawn..."

Not even a second after her sister's name had left his lips Buffy slams him against the car door once again, with more strength this time causing him to groan, not that she cared "You don't get to talk about my sister. She is dead. So is my mom, Angel, everyone I this sick joke is not amusing. Let me make myself clear, you will take me home now, or I will rip off your head and have it stuffed."
"Again with the imagery."

While the demon was clearly amused, David and Mary Margaret could only remain frozen as they watch Buffy's reaction to the truth. It was safe to say Emma had definitely responded better, but then again she had months of being force-fed information. This had all been dumped on Buffy in one go, in the space of a minute her entire life, everything she knew had come crumbling to the ground.
"Buffy, please..." Mary Margaret practically begs as she takes a hesitant step forward, tears filling her eyes as she watched her daughter falling apart.

"Get away from me." Buffy hisses softly stepping out of reach of her mother before turning back to Whistler, pain filling her eyes "This has to be a joke from The Powers, I bet they are really amused...cause me? Not so big with the laughter."
Dusting off the glass from his jacket, Whistler raises his hand gesturing for the Slayer's birth family to back off before he shocks Buffy by grabbing her face in his hands "This may sting kid."

"What the hell--" Buffy starts to yell only to let out a small gasp as he finally shows her the truth for her to see with her own two eyes.

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