A Whole New World (5)

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Walking had turned into running, which had turned into sprinting very quickly.

Buffy just kept running as fast as she could, with no idea of where she was going but all her body knew was that she couldn't be there.
With the town watching her like she was crazy and with Emma and Mary Margaret...being well themselves...she was already close to snapping and Buffy knew deep down that if she didn't get somewhere far away from people then she would likely start punching anyone who dared to look at her wrong.

So, she kept running, she ran through the town, through the woods before finally, she reached the docks.

There was nowhere else for her to run unless she wanted to go for a freezing swim which was not her idea of a cup of tea.
Finally pulling to a stop Buffy stares out at the water her hands shaking violently causing the scythe to slip from her grasp, dropping to the floor at her feet.
Dropping to her knees, the blonde finally let it all out, all of the stress and confusion, all of the lies and trickery, she lets out the weight that had been threatening to consume her.

With a rare moment of complete solitude with no one else around watching her Buffy finally broke and screamed loudly into the silent abyss of the water.

Screaming to the top of her lungs as the anger and frustration pooled out of her, the blonde Slayer could no longer hold back the urge to slam her fist into something.
With a loud growl, she moves over to the bench that was bolted to the ground by one of the many fishing boats and without hesitation she grabs onto it yanking it free of the metal bolts before launching the bench across the dock, shattering into pieces.

This town, the whole damn world, had done nothing but drive her mental since the second she arrived, and she was done. If the people here couldn't get her home, then she would find her own way and clearly, that wasn't going to happen while she was in this town.

She needed to get the hell out of Storybrooke.



Surprisingly Buffy's evening with Chris hadn't been as terrible as she had expected.
Not that she would admit it, she couldn't risk feeding Chris's overwhelming ego and cocky attitude.
Though she had seen another side of him tonight, a kinder one.
"So on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you till hate me."
At his words, Buffy snorts softly just as the two of them walk up to her front door, he had insisted on walking her to the door like an old-fashioned gentleman.

Contemplating his question, Buffy grins as she taps her chin playfully "Hmm...well given you were at 15 yesterday, I would say... down to 10."
"Harsh." Chris chuckles "You are not easy to impress."

Smiling softly Buffy shakes her head in amusement before moving to open her front door "No I'm not. Now lose my number." She reminds him before moving inside of her apartment. "Goodbye, Chris."


A cold chill ran down Buffy's spine as her name, her real name echoed from his lips.
A burst of hot white rage pounded through the blonde's skin and in an instinct she grabbed Chris by the throat and launched him inside of her apartment, slamming the door shut behind her.
As he hits the floor with a thud, Buffy clenches her fists tightly before grabbing a carving knife off the kitchen counter as she takes slow threatening steps toward him "I don't if your stupid or just way overconfident. But unless you want to be over-easy egg on the side of the road, you are gonna talk."

Quickly standing, Chris raises his hands in surrender, not wanting to risk pissing her off anymore than she already was, he wasn't stupid, one wrong move and she would be sending him flying off the terrace crashing down to the streets below "I wasn't sure at first. If it was you, I'd only heard the stories..."
"So what?" Buffy snaps glaring at him as she curses herself for her taste in men, she had actually been starting to like him "You knew why I was here, so what you figured let's mess with Buffy's head? Is this Ward's sick of a joke?"
"You seriously think I would work with him." Chris hisses, hatred pooling through his lips at the mere mention of that man's name "I would never...look yes, I know you came here to find out if I knew anything, why do you think I started talking to you? I thought you knew something about where he was."
Buffy couldn't help but quirk her brow at him curiously, still not believing a word "So you're not Ward lapdog? Hmm, believing you? Not!"

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