Burnt Edges (1)

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"You talk about Slaying like it's a job. It's not. It's who you are."

"Death is your art. You make it with your hands day after day. Every Slayer has a death wish...even you."

"To slay to kill. It means being hard on the inside. Maybe being the perfect Slayer means being too hard to love at all."

Closing her eyes as previous words from her old life echoed through her mind, Buffy forcibly shakes them away, pushing them back away to the deep end of her subconscious. Though it was funny to think that while she had been in Sunnydale she had fought against these descriptions, yet now, that was exactly who she was.

Now she knew that the woman she saw in her reflection every day was the exact poster girl for Slayer Handbook.

The Slayer was who she was now.

She had nothing else but this, every day of her life was filled with death.
No attachments, no distractions, nothing but her mission.
She was a shell of who she had once been during her time in Sunnydale.

Yet it didn't matter to her.

In the past 6 months since she had ended Amy's miserable existence, the wind seemed to be working in the Slayer's favor. They hadn't lost any more of the girls they had managed to locate. Buffy had built a system with her council, one that was actually working.
Though, despite this big step forward, it didn't change the fact that Ward had an endless number of contacts, somehow in both the human and demonic world.

Which meant while her handful of trusted witches helped find the newly called Slayers it didn't mean they could find them all.
All it took was for one girl's parents to see her lift a car and the next thing you know that same girl was being shipped off to some military school that doesn't exist.

Rubbing her temples in exhaustion, the sleepy Buffy Anne Summers leans back against her chair forcibly keeping her eyes open despite the protest coming from her eyelids.

Sighing softly the ex-blonde looks out allowing her eyes to take in the rooftop view of the city. She could see practically everything, it was one of the most stunning things she had ever seen.
Yet like usual, she couldn't enjoy it.
In all her life she had always dreamed of traveling the world and here she was doing just that. However, instead of being able to explore and hell even be a tacky tourist she was stuck always hiding in the shadows. She never really saw the cities, the countries, or anywhere she visited.

She was too busy running and hiding.

Feeling eyes on her Buffy allows a small smile to graze her lips before she glances over her shoulder. Sure enough, walking towards her was Mara. One of her most powerful witches. Looking as stunning as ever as her braids fell to her waist.
Mara had been key to the new wave of Slayers.
She was the reason behind Buffy's idea in the first place.
When Mara's girlfriend had been called as a Slayer she had spent months using magic to protect them both so they could still have normal lives while they looked for answers.

While they tried to find Buffy.

Yet it was Buffy who found them and that was where the plan had been sent into motion.
Slayers needed a partner.
It was part of the reason Buffy had lasted as long as she had, she had friends, partners in the battle against evil.
So instead of a Watcher and a Slayer, you have a witch and a Slayer.
Both are powerful in different ways, one brutal with strength and one with spirit and mind.

The witches could keep the Slayer hidden while also helping her along the way.

It had been working so far, their beta test with the Slayers on the Hellmouth in Paris and their witches had gone amazingly.
Things for once since the massacre were finally going in their direction again.

Hence why Buffy was in Nice, to make sure that Mara had found more witches they could trust to help the new Slayer they had found Calais. The new girl was barely 13 and would need help before her parents started crying for her to be experimented on.

"Hey, girl."

"Hey" Buffy breaths softly as she brings her expresso to her lips before eyeing Mara carefully causing the French-Caribbean woman to roll her eyes.

She liked Buffy but the girl was no fun.

Everyone knew that Buffy Anne Summers was business first always, the fun bubbly blonde she had been in her teen years nothing more than a myth now... a fairy tale.
Pulling out a file from her Channel bag Mara carefully hands it over allowing Buffy's manicured nails to grasp the thick file "Maria's aunt is a witch, she has agreed to move closer and help out till Maria can understand what being a Slayer means. She will keep her safe."

Spotting the reluctant look on Buffy's face, Mara merely smiles and reaches out squeezing Buffy's hand. In the few months, she had known the ex-blonde, she had noticed Buffy was always hard on herself.
Always underestimating her own intelligence, in a fight, she was confident and strong, yet there was always that self-doubt lingering there.
"It's working Buffy. France is ready for you to move on. We've got things together here because of you. You did it."

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