06. Speech test

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Seokkyeong opens the door of her bedroom. I peak from behind her shoulder and study it. Since me and my mom are fighting, I'm trying to avoid my house. I'm glad Seokkyeong wanted to have a sleep over tonight. I also slept at Eunbyeol's house last night thanks to Mrs Cheon who was kind enough to let me do so. 

But that probably won't be the last time...

"Tomorrow. The speech" Seokkyeong grabs me by my shoulders and seats me down on her bed. "I was thinking that we can look up some old speeches and practice them"

"Sure.." I say a bit doubtful. "Is that why you called me here for?"

"No of course not!" she says quickly" I was just thinking you could help me a bit..." she smiles. "Will you?"

I smile back. "Sure. That's what friends are for"

Seokkyeong claps and sits down besides me. She grabs her laptop and shows me a speech in Korean. 

"You point the laptop my way and I'll just read it off, okay?"

I grab her laptop and turn it the other way. Seokkyeong stands up and takes place in front of me. She nervously grasps her two hands together before pronouncing the first words.

"I think that the climate change has a huge impact on..."

Her voice is shaking and her eyes are everywhere but on the screen. I sigh and close the laptop.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Are you not feeling well?"

She shakes her head. "There's just a lot going on"

"Like what?"

Before she could say something, a few knocks are heard on the door. Not a second later and someone opens the door. It's Seokhoon.

"Seokkyeong, mom needs you"

"I'm busy"

"Hurry. It's about your dress for tomorrow"

"Oh is it?" Seokkyeong clears her throat. "Dami, I'll be right back"

She hurries out of her room. I sigh and open the laptop again, reading through the speech. 


"Me?" I look at Seokhoon who's leaning against the door. "Nah"

"Well, I am"

"Don't worry, you'll do fine" I scoff. "From all the boys you have the most chances"

"You think?"

"I know. It's clear as day"

Seokhoon chuckles and walks into the room. He sits down on the couch in front of me, crossing his leg over the other. I can see him staring at me, but I'm pretending to read through the speech. My heart changes it beat. Why? Why am I feeling like this?

"Are you liking the school so far?"

"I mean it's fine" I say, continuing to look at the laptop. "Nothing too special"

"You don't sound too enthusiastic"

I reply coldly. "It's school, nothing to be enthusiastic about" 

"Okay alright" Seokhoon gets up and shuts the laptop closed.

"Hey! I was reading that"

"I'm trying to have a conversation"

"Let's have that after I'm done practicing. My Korean reading is not that good you know"

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