9 - I'm looking for Moretti

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I stepped off the plane to be welcomed with a gust of warm air as I was walked down the stairs. It was three days since I had found out this Moretti guys address and at this point nerves are out the window and I'm in full on confrontation mode.

I walked straight past the luggage collection point seen as I only had a carry on with me, I'm not planning on staying any longer than I have to, and to the pick up point where a man that looked like he was in his late fifties held a sign with my name.

"Ciao, how are you today miss." He said while opening the taxi door for me.

"Good thank you or should I say grazie." I said smiling as I climbed in the backseat.

Little did the driver know that I actually took Italian for years in high school and I'd go as far to say that I'm almost fluent. I'm not planning on saying anything though, it could end up being my secret weapon in this world of mafia I am about to have to enter.

The driver smiled back at me, clearly appreciating me speaking his language, and started driving to my hotel I had booked about 20 minutes away from this guys address. I wanted to be near but not too near. I pre booked the driver so he's going to be taking me back and forth from my hotel to the address and then back to the airport the day after tomorrow.

I looked down at my phone which had automatically changed time zones from the UK and saw that Rebecca had sent me a text making sure I got here fine. I got an early flight in case he isn't there the first time I go so it's saying 9:30 now, she must have sent the text when I was on the plane. I messaged her back and started scrolling through different apps on my phone.

We got to the hotel in no time and it looked amazing. Rebecca's family offered to pay for me to get a decent hotel which was so nice of them but I didn't expect it to be this, it's the sort of place you'd see in a movie. After staying with Rebecca's family for the last few days I've gotten really friendly with them and they're such nice people. They've both been so understanding of my situation and they even wanted to pay for my whole trip but I had to say no, I didn't want to feel like charity.

"I will pick you up in 1 hour yes?" The driver said.

"Yes, thank you. I will see you soon." I said walking into the hotel.

Getting the key card was easy enough, I wasn't worried about a language barrier because I could understand them but all the reception staff spoke perfect english anyways and they were so friendly. One of the receptionist who was a young looking girl took me over to one of the gold lifts and told me my room was second floor while she handed me the key.

Within seconds the elevator door opened again and I walked along the lengthy corridor to my room which I discovered is the very last door on the right of the second floor hallway. I opened the door to a gold and black themed room with a massive L shaped sofa right in the middle of the room and a double bed to the right. There was a door to my left which was a luxury en-suit with a huge bath and gold shower. This is definitely not the 'small' upgrade that Rebecca's parents said they didn't mind paying for.

I went over to the bed and started unpacking my carry on gloss black suitcase. I looked at my phone, I've got just under an hour to get changed, do my hair and makeup before leaving. I didn't want to show up to a possible mafia house looking like a hot mess.
Fifty minutes later I was almost ready. I had curled my waist length blonde hair and put a golden metallic hair slide on one side. I had on leather joggers and an alexander mcqueen T-shirt with a corset print on it which was one of my favourites. I topped it off with a black blazer and black heels, I won't be able to dress like this for much longer so I may as well now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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