6 - Packing

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When Rachel was eventually out of her much needed shower I quickly braided her hair in two Dutch braids and she threw on leggings and a hoodie.

Rachel was naturally quite pretty, she had brown hair that went just above her rib cage and amazing skin. She almost never had to wear makeup because she could probably count the amount of breakouts she's had on one hand.

We walked back to my house, Rachel's dad offered to drive us because he was on his way out but her mum pointed out that Rachel hasn't done exercise for the past couple of days and that a walk would do her good. Let's just say that Rachel didn't agree.

"I'm really going to miss you, you know" Rachel suddenly said after a long silence.

I turned to face her. "I'm really going to miss you too Rachel but it's not like we'll never see each other again, we'll still have holidays and visits." I said smiling.

"Yeah" She said. "I'll come and visit you in posh Oxford and you can come visit me in my little dorm room in the Glasgow student halls."

"Yeah yeah" I said, playfully shoving her off the pavement curb. "Glasgows going to be really good for you, it's what you wanted."

"And Oxford is going to be amazing for you, I guess we both got what we wanted in the end." Rachel said with a smile.

"We should arrange something, a time when everyone will be back in Edinburgh and we can all go out to a club or something." I said.

"Yes definitely, it'll be interesting to see what Chloe ends up doing." Rachel said.

Chloe was a bit spontaneous I guess you could say. She leaves everything until the last minute and it drives her mum mad. She still hasn't decided what she'll do come August. She doesn't even know if she'll take a gap year or go to college but things are getting on for something like college. Chloe doesn't seem to understand you need to apply for something like that.

"Yeah it will." I sighed. "I can't believe that's us done with high school forever, it's going to be so different now."

"Speaking of clubs, we never did talk about where you disappeared to that night at the club celebrating Oxford." Rachel said inquisitively.

"Yes we did, I've already told you. I didn't feel well, I couldn't see any of you and so I got a taxi home." I said, reciting my carefully thought out lie.

I know that I should just tell the group what happened, especially Rachel, but I just don't want to. I suppose that I'm mostly over it anyways now and plus it's a bit embarrassing, I slept with a random guy in a taxi that I've never met and the sex was so bad he kicked me out of his apartment. Yeah no way I was risking Chloe finding that out, I would never live it down on the group chat.

"Okay then." Rachel said, clearly knowing there was something more to what happened but she didn't push it.

"Have you got any design ideas for your room at Glasgow?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah I was thinking of going for a modern look but still warm and cosy, you know?" She said.

"You'll need to send me pictures when you've finished decorating it, I'll do the same with showing you mine."

"It's such a shame that we won't be able to share a dorm room, that's one thing I wish we could have done together." She said.

"Yeah but you'll still be able to share with someone, just not me is all." I said, getting my keys out of my pocket.

We walked up my driveway, I say driveway like it's huge but it's actually like 3 meters, and I unlocked the door. I stepped inside when Rachel's phone started ringing.

One night ruined it allKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat