8 - His name is Moretti

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I sipped delicately on my hot chocolate as I glanced out the window of the train, passing through miles and miles of fields. I had offered to drive me and Rebecca down to her family home in Manchester but she insisted we get the train in because of me being pregnant and her not having learned to drive yet.

For some reason, even though it's kind of cute, Rebecca has this perceived idea that because I'm pregnant I suddenly can't do anything. She wouldn't even let me take my suitcase out to the taxi that we got to the train station.

She's been really supportive of everything though, getting up with me in the night whenever I'm sick, checking in on me and just sitting and listening to me ramble on about what to do. I got really lucky to have her as my roommate, I don't know if I could have handled all this pregnancy news without her.

"So baby names then, I like Lewis or Leo for a boy." Rebecca said, pulling me out of my inner thoughts. "And sticking to the L theme I like Lola and Lilly for a girl." She said smiling.

"I like Leo and Lola but I also kind of want another E if it's a girl like Emma or Eve." I said.

"Yes I love that, it would be so cute." Rebecca said with excitement.

After the first few days of trying to except that I'm pregnant, both me and Rebecca started to make light of the situation talking about pregnancy scrapbooks and photos and now we're onto baby names.

I told my parents two days after I found out, they were less than pleased and said they need space from me to come to terms with it. They both would have rather I been married or at least in a committed relationship before I had a baby so they're quite disappointed right now. That was hard to hear from them, I've always been the perfect child, to their knowledge at least, and now they see me as a stupid girl who made a stupid mistake. I'm going home to see them at some point in December so that should be interesting.

I've not really told anyone else yet, a few girls in the dorm block know because of me being sick all the time and because I haven't been out to the clubs in quite a few weeks. I haven't told anyone back home yet accept my parents, I feel like everyone from home all have their own things right now.

It's a shame actually, these past few months me and Rachel have kind of drifted from eachother. I get it that we're both busy with our separate lives at uni but she barely even replies to my texts anymore so I'm not just going to phone her and say "oh by the way I'm almost 4 months pregnant". I never even ended up telling her about the Italian guy and me that night.

God, the Italian guy. Ever since I found out I was pregnant I've been trying to find him, who he is. I've even instagram and facebook stalked everyone who was tagged in photos to do with the club that night to find some sort of connection but it was a dead end. I'm really hoping Rebecca's family friend has found something or else my child is going to grow up without knowing who their dad even is.

"Next stop, Manchester." The train speaker system announced.

Rebecca and I started to get up and wheeled our suitcases further up the train to the door. Rebecca's mum was picking us up from the station, she wanted us all to go shopping straight away but Rebecca said she wanted to go another day, it was cute how excited she sounded that Rebecca was going home.

The train doors opened and suddenly the platform was flooded with people, this was the last stop so basically the whole train got off. There must be hundreds on the platform right now, I can barely move my case.

"Come on, my mum is waiting over here." Rebecca said, nodding to the sign that said car park.

We both weaved our way in and out of people until we got to the car park and we spotted Rebecca's mum straight away. Rebecca obviously because they were family but I had never seen her before yet knew she was Rebecca's mum the moment I saw her. They looked identical, to a certain extent anyways.

She waved us over and pulled Rebecca into a tight hug, she clearly missed her. After about a minute of me standing awkwardly next to them hugging, Rebecca's mum released her and gave me a full on mum hug too. I guess I know where Rebecca gets her hugs from.

"You must be Emily, it's so lovely to meet you dear. I'm Isabella but everyone calls me Izzy." She said.

"Mum! Let her breathe a bit." Rebecca said.

"Hi Isabella, sorry Izzy." I said smiling.

Izzy drew back from our embrace and started putting the suitcases in the boot of the car whilst me and Rebecca got in the back. On the drive to Rebecca's we were all chatting away about her childhood and her mum pointed out all the things she used to do as we went past them.

It was about a half an hour drive to the house from Manchester City centre, I knew that Rebecca had money but the house in front of me was amazing. It was so modern and expensive looking.

When we were inside Rebecca took me to her dad's study to meet him before she gave me an official house tour which I couldn't wait for. She knocked on the door before walking in, so polite.

"Hi dad, this is Emily." She said walking over to her dad and giving him a hug but it was much shorter than the one she gave her mum. This was more of a short, respecting hug compared to the compassionate one she gave her mum.

"Hello Emily, it's so nice to meet you." He said. "Let me introduce Brain Cox to you, I hear you gave him a little project to work on this past week." He said motioning to the sofa across the study in which a man I had only just noticed sat with a coffee in hand.

"Come on Becca, let's go and get you girls cases from the car." Rebecca's dad said, giving me and Mr Cox some privacy. He waited until they had left the room to start speaking.

"Well it's nice to meet you in person." He said with a slight smile. "Please come and sit."

I walked over to the leather sofa and sat on the opposite end to him. "Did you find anything?" I asked eagerly.

"Yes but are you sure you want to know?" He asked with a serious look.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? I need to know this for the sake of my child." I said. God I'm going to have a child.

"Okay then." He said, taking a breath before he began telling me all that he had found.

"To start his name is Moretti, I didn't get a first name but everyone seems to call him Moretti. By everyone I mean those on the streets, he's the leader of the Italian mafia. There's not much more I could find out from here in England but I do know that he's back in Italy right now and I've got an address."

"What." I asked. I was in total and utter shock. I had sex with the leader of the Italian mafia. My child's father is the leader of the Italian mafia. What the actual hell is my luck these days, it's non existent.

"Now listen Emily, I can give you the address and details on how to get there but you need to know that these are dangerous people we're talking about. The man Moretti will have killed a significant amount of people and might not hesitate to kill you too. Then of course there's the illegal underground fighting, the drug dealing, business fronts and millions and millions of pounds or euros." He said, giving me the full picture of what finding him gets me involved in.

"I'll take the address." I said without thinking about it. "Can you help me book a flight?" I asked Mr Cox. I don't know if it's pregnancy hormones starting way early or nothing that bad being left to happen but suddenly all I cared about was this child, my child. I had to think about them and making sure they have the future choice to at least know their dads name.

Watch out Moretti, because when I'm mad, I'm mad and I'm bloody mad you knocked me up with a mafia heir.

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