7 - Doctors

16 0 1

(October / 3 and a half weeks later)

As I sat in the pale blue waiting room I couldn't help but feel physically sick. It was really warm and all I could smell was cleaning products which didn't help. There was people on the chairs next to me coughing and spluttering and others that looked really ill. For a minute I almost thought I shouldn't have come because I'm not as sick as some of the people in here.

The past few weeks, well I say few but it's probably closer to a month and a bit now I've not been feeling great. I've been putting off coming to the doctors because I think it's just down to stress but my roommate Rebecca convinced me to get an appointment yesterday.

When it first started I just felt nauseous a lot and was getting bad headaches but I put that down to not eating properly because of studying but two weeks ago the nausea led to me being physically sick.

Yesterday I couldn't even go to class because I had been up so many times in the night being sick. Rebecca said I was up from 4am to 6am going back and forward to the bathroom being sick. It's just been getting worse and worse but now that I'm missing classes Rebecca basically forced me to make an appointment.

Rebecca has been really nice about the whole thing, she's been nice since day one really. On my moving in day she made me cookies since she got there a few days early which was so cute and she even waited to unpack to see what side of the room I would want. Rebecca is a year older than me because she took a gap year and we've gotten close quick, she's becoming like a big sister to me.

My mind wandered over to the notice board on the other side of the room which I tried to read in an attempt to keep my mind off of feeling sick.

"Miss Emily Smith"

I looked over and saw who must be my new doctor, I hadn't met her yet because I haven't needed to see a doctor since I've been here until now. She had brown hair that went just past her shoulders and was wearing a red woollen jumper dress. She looked like she was in her late 40's.

I got up with my Louis Vuitton tote bag and walked across the room, I could feel all the other patients staring at me as I walked. I have a really bloated stomach from being sick so much and its been making me self conscious wherever I've been going recently.

She led me through a long corridor filled with doors that each featured a sign with a different doctors name. After passing about ten doors we got to her room and she welcomed me in.

"Hi Emily, I'm Doctor Sawyers, please take a seat." She said smiling and motioning to the chair in front of her desk in which I sat on.

"So Emily, what's been happening with you lately?"

Dr Sawyers asked and I delved into the story about being sick, studying too much and being bloated. As I told the story she jotted what I assume is a few main points of what I'm saying and gave occasional nods and "mm's".

"Okay so what I'm going to do is ask you to go and pee in this cup for me then when you get back I'll have a feel of your stomach to make sure everything seems regular." She said, handing me the cup.

I smiled and nodded before went to the toilet that was just outside her door. It took me forever to pee but after about five minutes I went back into her room and handed it to her. She took it over to where her medical cabinets are and put some sort of stick in it.

"Okay so we'll leave that for a minute or so, do you want to get up on the bed for me and I'll do a check on your stomach." Dr Saywers said, motioning to the medical bed.

I lay on the cool leather of the medical bed while she examined my stomach, making the occasional noise or nod. She walked back over to the counter and checked the stick she put in my sample, my guess is that I'm celiac but Rebecca thinks I'm allergic to something else. Either way we both think I'm allergic to something.

One night ruined it allNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ