2 - Celebrating

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I huffed, drawing up my shoulders and dropping them back down in a heavy motion as I sat at Chloe's vanity chair whilst Aeryn did my makeup.  I was going for natural-ish makeup, foundation with a pink kind of sparkly eyeshadow look and some light mascara with a pink tint lip gloss to plump up my lips a bit.

Thank god I brought my own because Aeryn's has got to be the stickiest lip gloss going, you can't even rub your lips together without it going everywhere.

"Keep still for the hundredth time!" Aeryn said frustratedly, I wasn't very good at sitting still when I was anxious. "Literally if you move your head one more time I'll put the mascara in your eye!"

"Sorry, I'll try" I said holding in a giggle, Aeryn was quite funny when she was mad because she said threatening things but looks too nice to be taken seriously.
An hour and a bit later we've all finally arrived at the club, us girls met up with the boys about twenty minutes ago and now we're all waiting in line to get ID'ed and into the club. I'm surprisingly not anxious about using the fake ID that Carter got me from his cousin, all I want to do is get in and get drunk. Okay that's definitely the pre-club shots I did at Chloe's house talking but still.

It was freezing waiting outside and I stupidly forgot to bring a jacket with me. The wind picked up and started blowing my delicate curled hair about but it had plenty hair spray in it thanks to Chloe, she practically fumigated her bedroom.

The wind blew something into my eye and I went to rub it out but before my hand got close to my face Aeryn practically screeched at me.

"Emily don't touch your face! If you ruin my artwork then I'll ruin you!" She said only half jokingly.

Carter leaned into me and whispered in my ear,

"Well that's you told then" He chuckled. I playfully punched him and gave him an all knowing look.

I was the only one he had told about his massive crush on Aeryn.

I leaned in and whispered back in his ear,
"Speaking of people being told, when is it exactly you're telling her how you feel?" I said with a smirk.

"So it seems busy tonight doesn't it, I wonder why, there must be a lot of people celebrating things like us." He awkwardly said as he skimmed his eyes over the line waiting to get it, purposely trying to change the subject. I let out a laugh and started talking to the girls.

"So are you girls coming back to mine tonight or will you be having sleepovers with someone else" Chloe said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Chloe!" Both me and Rachel said at the same time giggling.

"You do realise it's a school night right?" I reminded her.

"Yeah, yeah fine but if you're not being exciting tonight you at least have to sleep with someone before you leave for Oxford, like goodbye sex."

"Oh my god Chloe, be quiet!" I said, lightly pushing her as both her and Aeryn laughed.

"I don't know what your laughing at Aeryn, I didn't exactly hear your protest to having a sleepover with a handsome stranger." I said.

"That's because the person I want to have a sleepover with isn't a stranger." She said while subtly glancing over at Carter.

"No way!" Rachel and Chloe both shouted while I just smiled.

Just as I was about to say that Aeryn should tell him how she feels, the two guys on the club doors were in front of us. I looked back and noticed that the line had actually gone quite quickly.

We all got out our fake ID's and showed them to the two massive guys that were towering over us. They both had black jeans and black t-shirts on that showed off their huge muscles, I looked up to them both to see they both had sunglasses on as well. Classic bodyguards.

I showed them the piece of plastic that said I was 22 years old and that my birthday was on the 16th of April. I'm actually 17 years old and my birthday is on the 5th of November. The guy on the left looked at the fake drivers license, at me, then back at the license. He nodded and I took that as permission to go inside the club.

We all got in quickly, to be honest the doormen at the entrance didn't really care they just wanted their shift to end. As soon as we were all in Callum, James and Rachel all shot over to the bar to order some drinks and I rolled my eyes. They were definitely going to kicked out for being underage if they kept up that excitement about getting a drink.

I looked around at the club, I hadn't been to this one before it was one that James' older sister Mia had recommended. It was far bigger than our usual two clubs we alternate at, this one had a huge bar along one side with booths dotted about the place and a dance floor that took up most of the room. I think there's a private room at the back but I can't be sure, it's way to crowded to see past the back wall.

I scanned the crowd, looking for the others. Literally as soon as we stepped inside everyone darted off and I was left standing here by myself.
James and Chloe suddenly emerged from the group of people at the bar with a pink gin drink for me.

"Here" James said, handing me the glass. "The others are at a booth in the corner, let's go."

The three of us all walked over to the others and as we walked I looked at all the people dancing in the middle of the room, not a care in the world.

The booth was quite big and I saw Aeryn and Carter sitting next to each other getting close. I really hope that happens for them both, they would be so cute together.

My eyes travelled to the back wall which I now had a better view of and that's when I saw him.

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