Chapter 45

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The Mizo crew was running threw the train station trying to find Takemichi after she was dragged away by the guy wearing red coats, they need to save her because she had always been there and saving them. They were trying to find out where Takemichi and that gang had gotten off to they couldn't believe they lost her and the gang so easily if only they had been paying attorney, better they could of done better.

Akkun " chifuyu"

Chifuyu " hey guys I thought you were all hanging out with Takemichi"

Takyua " something bad happened to her she was taken away by this gang in all red coats, they beaten up up and ...."

Chifuyu " where she is"

Akkun  " we don't"

Chifuyu " we have to go find her I will go get here you guys go home, connect mikey and draken"

Makoto " we will go with you"

Chifuyu " I will be fine I will have back up coming to help me" the Mizo crew had called mikey and draken while Chifuyu, took off running towards where Takemichi was taken. He had brought out his phone and started making some calls he will need all the help to deal with this unknown gang.

Takemichi " let me go now kisaki before you make everything worst for you"

Kisaki " I will let you go when I feel like it"

???? " Takemichi" soon takemichi looked up and saw chifuyu running towards her he soon kicked away the delinquents hiding Takemichi.

Kisaki " get him now"

Chifuyu " take-Chan are you okay"

Kisaki " get him now"

Chifuyu " you will pay for this kisaki Mikey won't like you harassing take-Chan you will pay"

Kisaki " aww you guys are all alone once's my boys are done with you I'm taking take-Chan with me"

Takemichi " ...."

Chifuyu " what made you think I came here alone"

Takemichi " chifuyu what are you talking about"

Chifuyu " don't worry Takemichi everything will be okay, back up is coming" soon Takemichi heard motorcycle engines filling the air getting everyone attention, soon enough takemichi saw twin boys.

???? " sorry for the long wait chifuyu we didn't want it miss all the fun"

Chiufyu " it okay"

Smiley " stay back take-Chan we we will protect you"

Chiufyu " no time fight everyone we need to leave now"

Angry " hop on my bike Takemichi and I will get you to safety"

Takemichi " sure" soon Takemichi got on angry bike with him as smiley helped chifuyu onto his bike, soon the twins had taken off on their bikes racing away from the guys wearing red coats. After being safe away from them the twins had stoped their bikes allow everyone to get off.

Chifuyu " Takemichi are you okay"

Takemichi " don't worry about me are you fine how did you find me"

Chifuyu " I ran into akkun and the others and they told me what happened, that bastard kisaki will pay"

Takemichi " are they okay"

Chifuyu " yes I told them to call Draken and tell him of the news, oh yes Takemichi meet the Kawata twins"

Takemichi " hello"

Smiley " hey it seems like we always seem to meet each other at bad moments"

Takemichi " yeah"

Angry " you have some strong willpower to stand being near kisaki"

Takemichi " yeah but we need to find Mikey I think something bad about to happen, that none of us are going to like" a new battles was coming for Takemichi and her friends but she had to find a way to deal with kisaki, she now was fearful of him coming back, she didn't know what to do when it came to him she need to find out what his deal was and why he was after her now.

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