Chapter 9

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Takemichci soon opened her eyes and bloated up from bed quickly she soon turned around and saw Emilie sitting by her bed side which got her attention quickly. Emilie soon gave her a smirk before she could even say anything right now she was wondering where in the world she was and why was Emilie here.

Takemichci " Emilie what I'm doing here"

Emilie " you passed out from some type of pain but draken brought you here but he couldn't stay, so he called me"

Takemichci " oh okay wait what happened after the fight"

Emilie " pah was arrested and now Mikey and draken are fighting... toman is spilt into two the other captains did their best and even me to make them see reason but nothing worked ... take-Chan you might be the only one to make them see reason they listen to you"

Takemichci " wait what was the fight about"

Emile " who was to blame for pah getting caught"

Takemichci " ......"

Emilie " you know take-Chan you have some new control over them at make them feel good it like you are their hope, so you have to save them I can't lost another brother and friends"

Takemichci " I will do something Emilie I promise" Emile and Takemichci hugged at that moment hinto came rushing into the room with a worried look in his face,

Hinato " Takemichci are you okay I heard what happened... ummm I'm interrupting something"

Takemichci " no":

Emile " yes" Takemichci has backed head the blonde boy making her laugh a bit and soon hinato had spoken to Takemichci about this actions a few weeks ago. Takemichci had forgive him and they soon moved on after a couple days Takemichci was allowed to go home, but she was order to stay in bed and home. She was working on puzzles trying to keep herself busy which was picture of cherry blossom forest.

Akkum " hey you are looking well we were shocked when we were told you are having home"

Yamagishi " I was hope to flirt with some of the nurse"

Takemichci " very funny yamagishi"

Makoto " shouldn't you be laying in your back or something"

Takuya " yeah"

Takemichci " well I got broad and decided to do something interesting while I'm home sick"

Akkum " what with you a puzzle"

Takemichci " oh come on leave me alone" the guys all sat down and Takemichci could tell something was the matter.

Akkum " toman is breaking up into two"

Yamagishi " draken and Mikey are against each other"

Takemichci " no this can't be true" Takemichci had jump up from her seat scared and she looked that the guys who, soon started laughing.

Makoto " I can't believe you fall for that"

Takemichci " oh come on guys that no funny" Takemichci soon picked up some pillows and tossed them, at the guys who were ducking from them. Soon her bedroom door opens and in came draken who moved out of the way of income pillow.

Draken " hey I'm came to see you but it look like you have company"

The guys " draken"

Takemichci " oh you can join us come in"

Draken " good i part a watermelon let have some fun"

Takemichci " sure" draken had broken up the watermelon and everyone had a bite of the sweet fruit but Takemichci could tell there was something wrong with draken,

Takemichci " so have you spoken to Mikey yet or no"

Draken " dorm speak to me about that jerk I hate him so much" draken had slammed his fist down onto Takemichci puzzle destroying it.

Takemichci " no not my puzzle"

Draken " oh sorry about that"

Takemichci " why the puzzle"

Draken " toman is over this might be the last time you see me for while take-Chan" draken soon got up and walked out of her room, and she followed after him calling out his name. They soon got outside and Takemichci was trying to talk to him, but he was not listening to her. They soon both stopped walking when they saw Mikey was standing there. Mikey didn't look so happy seeing both draken and Takemichci together at her house.

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