Chapter 12

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Takemichci is running threw the rain trying to find draken, but she soon heard the sound of motorcycle engine she soon looked up and saw mituysa on his bike. She soon pushed away you hair which was now wet getting in her way of seeing, she soon cleared her voice.

Takemichci " mituysa"

Mituysa " Takemichci is that you wow you are looking beautiful... what are you doing out here"

Takemichci " draken might be in trouble why are you here I thought you might be with Mikey"

Mituysa " that why I'm here Mikey has been set up leaving draken alone and it all because of the issue of pah"

Takemichci " okay where could they be"

Mituysa " no you shouldn't come Takemichci it might be to dangerous"

Takemichci " I'm coming to help if you like it or not mituysa"

Mituysa " fine we are going on foot"

Takemichci " coming" Takemichci and mituysa had started running and they soon ran passed a worried hinato, before he could even do anything they were soon gone. They soon found the area where the fighting was coming, and soon saw some random guys and draken.

Takemichci " draken"

Draken " oh there you are take-Chan and mituysa you are late for the party"

Emilie " hey guys good to see you but Takemichci I think you should stay out of this"

Takemichci " no I'm ready for a fight"

Mituysa " pah you coward how could you join mobius"

Peh " shut up mituysa or I have then kill you as well"

Emile " you are coward pah how can you call yourself a man if you need help taking someone down, with a dirty trick" Takemichci was near draken making sure he was not badly hurt, it seemed like draken was enjoying this special attention from her.

Peh " I'm doing this for pah"

Takemichci " what are we going to do" soon Takemichci heard the sound of motorcycle engine coming close to, them and she was wondering who was coming but all three of the guys were smiling because they knew who was coming.

Mituysa " she finally here" Soon Takemichci showed up on his motorcycle and he was not looking happy, he soon looked back and saw Takemichci was there was well.

Mikey " so tell me peh who sent you up to this"

Takemichci " ....."

???? " well it the invisible Mikey" soon Takemichci saw a tall boy with black and yellow and hand tattoos , who was also smoking coming up to the front of mobius.

Takemichci " who is he"

Mikey " so your are the one who sent me away hoping to get to draken"

???? " yes that was I and the name is hanam and I have come here with my crew to get rid of toman and kill you" soon Mikey made a kick for hanam face but Hanam stoped the kick getting everyone attention.

Mituysa " she stopped Mikey kick"

Hanam " if we are done here let get fighting okay and once I killed you I will be taking that beautiful girl over there" mituysa had stepped in front of Takemichci, but Takemichci was still able to see what was happening.

Hanam " mobius has 300 men while toman had four guys and one girl"

Takemichci " ....." soon Takemichci heard more motorcycle engines coming and soon the rest of toman had arrived, getting the girl to feel somewhat at easy until she remembered she had to keep draken alive.

Mikey " Takemichci stay out of the fight"

Takemichci " Mikey I can ...."

Mikey " stay out of the fight you should not be involved in this battle" Takemichci hearted beating fast as she knew a fight was about to start, and she was hoping deep down that there would be no need for fight. Soon everyone was getting ready to fight while, Takemichci was placed in the far back it seemed like no one was going to let her fight.

Hanam " let get this on with and if anyone of you run I will hunt you down, and punched you teeth in"

Mikey " come on toman" soon everyone let out a battle cry and soon everyone was running towards each other, soon the battle had started. The battle That was going to calm the life of draken if she didn't do anything right now, and keep Kiyomasa away from draken.

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