Chapter 30

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It was the next day after the whole black dragons incident and Takemichi knew found out or saw the small marks on her face, it will be all hell. Takemichi was walking to school when she came across Mizo crew and hinato and right away she knew she was, in trouble if they all saw her face and thought she got into a fight again.

Hinato " take-chan good morning wait what happened to you"

Takemichi " I had incident with someone last night but it solved"

Akkun " are you sure there no one messing with you"

Takemichi " yeah I'm good now don't worry now come on we are going to be late for school"

Makto " so it officially we are all in toman under you command captain Takemichi"

Takemichi " wait what"

Yamagishi " don't you remember you all joined toman after you become captain Mikey was fine with it, he even let hinato join"

Hinato " I only joined to keep you safe from danger"

Takemichi " I'm good I don't always need to be saved by someone" the school days was rough one and Takemichi still feeling some pain from the stupid punch, she had gone home early and once she was laying in her bed she had fallen asleep quickly.

Jump to the future

Kazutora " oh good you are finally awake take-Chan"

Takemichi " kazutora wait how did you get inside my house wait where are we"

Kazutora " I will explain that later someone happened and I'm keep you safe for now ... we need to talk about the black dragons and hakkai"

Takemichi " what about them" Takemichi is in the living room laying on a couch with a blanket on her, while kazutora sits on some chair.

Kazutora " I know you can time leap chifuyu had told me after you told him, it had taken him while to tell me the truth"

Takemichi " okay"

Kazutora " you have to go back to the past and stop hakkai from joining the black dragons"

Takemichi " he already made a promise to join his brothers"

Kazutora " yes but you need to stop him because hakkai kills Taiju and soon takes over the black dragons, and he soon makes the black dragons join toman and the black dragons soon become loyal to you"

Takemichi " okay so let me get this straight I have to stop hakkai from killing his older brother taiju the leader of the black dragons, so he won't become a murder and have them form with the evil toman ... along with stop kisaki crazy selfl"

Kazutora " yes"

Takemichi " well good to know now how do stop hakkia from leaving and killing his older brother, without you know dying myself or getting someone else killed"

Kazutora " I know you can do it Takemichi I believe in you"

Takemichi " thank kazutora and it good to see you are doing well I'm happy for you"

Kazutora " thank you take-Chan I owe to all to you for always being there for me and smacking some sense into me" Takemichi and kazutora soon hugged each other and soon Takemichi opened her eyes to see she was back in the past, she soon rolled over from facing the wall and saw some usual faces.

Mikey " hey take-Chan you are beautiful when you are sleeping" Takemichi soon jolted up from her sleep and saw everyone else was there.

Takemichi " why are you all in my room how did you get in here"

Chifuyu " oh I let them in after your mother let me and your friends in and you mother ran to deal with some errands"

Takemichi " umm"

Draken " so what really happened to you last night and you can't lie become hakkai already told us, we just wanted to hear it from you"

Takemichi " ....."

Akkun" maybe we should let you get some sleep you still look like you are sick"

Mitusya " that a good idea maybe one of us ..."

Chfiuyu " I will stay here with her and keep her company until her mother get home"

Everyone soon left Takemichi house and she was now alone with chifuyu she was feelings many mixed emotions, she and chifuyu soon went for a small walk together. Takemichic soon noticed the bike that chifuyu was standing near she didn't say anything but stood there watching hoping something will happen soon.

Chifuyu " you know this bike was a gift from baji it one of the last gifts I have from him"

Takemichi " it a wonderful gift Chifuyu"

Chifuyu " so what the plan Takemichi how are we going to deal with the black dragons"

Takemichi " we just have to wait and see Chifuyu I have a plan but I have to make sure, nothing bad happens" Chifuyu and takemichi didn't say anything to each other, soon chifuyu walked Takemichi back home at the same moment her mother had arrived.

Takemichi mother " hey im going to make you some soup ... so which one of those boys are your boyfriends they are very sweet"

Takemichi " mom" Takemichi soon walked into her room after having dinner she started remembering the conversation she had in her future she had to keep hakkai from killing his brother.

Takemihci " we are all just kids but it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders"

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