Chapter 16

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Days after hinato funeral Takemichci was feeling horrible and she kept herself in her apartment and didn't, speak to many people but soon nato was able to get her to come out and speak with him. She had cleaned herself up and soon got ready to go somewhere, that nato said they were going. After some walking they soon arrived at the jail she soon looked at nato wondering what they were doing here.

Nato " hey were are here to see prisoner number 248"

Takemichci " who is this 248" soon the two of them were taken to a room where visitors could speak with prisoners, she was sitting in the seat when she saw him draken. He looked so different he was no longer the same guys he once was when they were young.

Draken " it good to see you Takemichci you are still beautiful as ever"

Takemichci " hello draken how are you doing"

Draken " I'm doing well so who's is your friend"

Takemichci " oh this is nato he my friend who helped me get this visit with you"

Draken " ......"

Takemichci " draken why are you hey what did you do to be put on death row"

Draken " Takemichci I have done some horrible things in my wife that I don't regret doing ... the one thing I hate the most this that I didn't kill kisaki"

Takemichci " what"

Draken " you know sometimes I wish for the old days when we use to all have fun and not a care in the world"

Takemichci " draken what has kisaki done"

Draken " ....."

Cop " have you time is up"

Draken " goodbye my Takemichci" draken soon got up and started walking away up Takemichci was not giving up yet, she soon got up and looked at draken.

Takemichci " please Draken I ...."

Draken " Takemichci you were mostly killed by that bastard right that why you are here ... listen Takemichci I don't want that bastard to be control over you like he has over mikey ... you need to leave Tokyo right now and don't come back .... Kisaki after you for some reason and he won't give up until he has you"

Takemichci " wait Takemichci"

Draken " goodbye Takemichci and one more thing I have always had eyes for you many of the guys have, you are some special gal" Draken was soon gone leave Takemichci and nato in the room to think everything over, soon the two of them had left the jail.

Takemichci " so kisaki is the one behind it all"

Nato " yes it but it seems like he has some crazy obsession over you"

Takemichci " what have I ever done to get his full attention"

Nato " we will find that our later but what are we going to do now"

Takemichci " I'm going back to the pass to stop everything from happening if I can get Mikey to listen to me, he won't let kisaki in toman"

Nato " fine but be safe for me Takemichci"

Takemichci " I will" the two of them shakes hands and soon Takemichci was back in the past but this time something was off, she was in hot spring wearing a swim suit. She was wondering what she was doing here and how she got here, but that all changed when she came face to face with Mikey.

Mikey " boo"

Takemichci " ahh Mikey what the hell are you doing here"

Draken " don't you remember Takemichci mikey had invited you to hot spring with us" Takemichci soon turned around and saw draken was in the hot spring as well.

Takemichci " ahh" she was blush bright red of embarrassment she didn't notice both boys were wearing swim shorts.

Draken " you don't have to worry we are in the neutral private one"

Takemichci " oh cool hey how is your scar"

Draken " it doing well but how are you doing you were also hurt as well"

Takemichci " oh I'm fine"

Draken " that good to know I was able to heal fast thanks to all the workout I have done, making my body health" soon Mikey punched Draken in his scar getting the boy attention as they fight. Takemichci laughed and soon got out the bath and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body.

Takemichci " I going to leave you idiots here I'm going to get changed"

Mikey " wait Takemichci don't leave I want you to stay Draken can leave"

Draken " nice try buddy I'm not leaving you alone with her" Takemichci soon walked out of the private room to go to female locker room.She soon came back into the lobby with her hair still soaking wet but hey everything was still going good.

Mikey " hey Takemichci come on we have a important meeting"

Takemichci " coming"

Mitusya " there you three are hey when you were going to tel us Takemichci was going to join you two"

Mikey " oh I kept it a secret"

Mitusya " well we can talk about this later now come on we are going to be late" Takemichci was riding on the back of draken bike, and they soon all arrived at the shrine where everyone was talking trying to find out the next division caption of the third.

Draken " the meeting with start now"

Mikey " would the third division captain step up now" Takemichci was looking around trying to find out who the new captain was. She thought it was her but she was not going to move until it was proven.

Mikey " will kisaki step forward now" soon Takemichci saw the guy who will make toman an evil group, and would later destroy everyone lives. Then later have some crazy obsession with her that she didn't even understand she was looking at the guy she hated with a passion.

Takemichci " kisaki"

Happy New Years everyone I might update the other female Takemichci today and tomorrow as, a New Years gift to you all for be great fans of the book.

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