Chapter 39

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Takemichi finally woke up and noticed she was laying on a couch with a blanket on her and she soon saw the door opening to the room, she couldn't see who was walking over to her until he was closer to her it was mikey.

Mikey " hey you are finally up Emilie had given you some medical aid while we called everyone else, don't worry about your mom hinato had called her saying you were having a Christmas party with us"

Takemichi " oh"

Mikey " now come on everyone waiting in the living room we brought you to me and Emilie house"

Takemichi " thank you"

Mikey " you really surprises me Takemichic taking on a guy bigger then you and not giving up, the fight you have done a amazing job take-chan"

Takemichi " thank you wait how did you find our about the fight"

Mikey " well you friends went by your house and to see you but you were no home, the started asking around and put some clues together'

Takemichi " oh"

Mikey " I and draken soon got the call together and we raced over to the church we were hoping you were, not there until we saw you"

Takemichi " im sorry worrying everyone but it was something I had to do"

Mikey " don't ever scare me like that again okay"

Takemichi " I wont"

Mikey " oh here some changed of clothes we got them from your room, and no we didn't look that anything else"

Takemichi " I hope so" soon mikey had left the room and closed the door while Takemichi had gotten dressed, she soon came out wearing a red long sleeved sweater and black shirts that had some white socks.

Mikey " now come on and hey Takemichi you now have the right to scold me when I do something stupid okay, that what I want you to do lecture me like you lecture hakkia and his brothers"

Takemichi " okay" soon mikey had opened a door leading into larger room where there was a small party getting ready to happen, she soon sat on the rug and saw there were some gifts on the table.

Hinato " merry Christmas Takemichi all these gifts are for you we wanted to give them to you, but you know you were saving the day"

Takemichi " thank you guys" that Christmas Day ended on happy note for Takemichi as she celebrated with her friends, the next days no one was leaving Takemichi alone because they worried about her safety.

New Years

Takemichi " mom im off to the New Years Festival with my friends"

Takemichi mother " have fun sweetie I will be here with the rest of the family"

Takemichi " okay"

Takemichi aunt " you look beautiful sweetie those friends of yours must be wonderful"

Takemichi " thank you auntie happy news years everyone" soon Takemichi had left her house wearing a beautiful winter kimono that had a matching hairpin, she was soon walking to wear the festival was being held.

Takemichi " hey mitsuya"

Mitsuya " hey take-chan you look beautiful"

Takemichi " hey is everyone else here umm Mituysa"

Mituysa " oh yes there are somewhere around here"

Mikey " hey take-chan wow you are beautiful"

Takemichi " aww thank you"

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