Chapter 6

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It was the next day and Takemichci was avoiding hinato every since last night but he had been texting and calling her  but, she hasn't been answering him at all. Takemichci was going to make sure nothing bad happened to draken on her watch because if she saved him then she will be able to save everyone she loves. She was walking around town when she came across drakem.

Takemichci " oh hey drakem what are you up to today"

Draken " nothing much why are you waking around alone I thought you would be with you friends or something"

Takemichci " no I'm taking a break from them today"

Draken " hey that jerk was wrong for speaking to you like at ..... hey why don't you join me and Mikey today"

Takemichci " sure" okay so it seemed like to was going to be easy to keep draken safe by hanging out with him, but Takemichci knew it was going to be hard. Soon the pair meet up with Mikey and anyone could say Mikey was happy to see Takemichci was coming along.

Mikey " take-Chan I'm happy to see you are here with me today"

Takemichci " yeah Mikey"

Mikey " now come on let's go get some food" soon the three of them walked away and headed towards a family restaurant, and it Takemichci learned some interesting facts about Mikey. Takemichci had learned at Mikey didn't eat his food with a flag or a kid meal which made him even more funny to the girl.

Draken " you are acting like a child in front of take-Chan do you want her to think you as foolish kid"

Mikey " hey leave me alone draken p"

Takemichci " I think it funny" soon after everyone was done eating Mikey had fallen asleep like it was nothing and draken was shaking his head in embarrassment. Soon draken picked up mikey had gave him a piggy back ride, and you soon followed the two guys somewhere else. Soon they all arrived at hospital and Takemichci was getting a sinking feeling about the whole matter.

Draken " Mikey wake up we are here"

Mikey " why are we at the hospital"

Draken " to visit a friend" soon all of them walked into the hospital and went to a room where they saw a girl, in the IC room laying in bed on a ventilator.

Mikey " who is she"

Draken " she is pah friend girlfriend the one who was beaten up and assaulted" Takemichci felt bad for the poor girl because she looked like a innocent girl who become a victim of ruthless group. Now it look like she was fighting for her life but now she was, going to be dealing with the outcome of after effects of this assault on her.

Takemichci " ....."

??? " what the hell are you two doing here" soon Takemichci turned around to see a older looking couple one man and women.

Takemichci " ......."

Mikey " watch who you are talking to old man"

Takemichci " Mikey"

Older man " I all because of you at my daughter is like this she has been broken all because boys like you, my poor beautiful daughter had done nothing to you boys and now she like this"

Older man " it because boys like you are the reason the youth if so disrespectful and endanger and only things you kids do, is cause trouble for the rest of us"

Draken " we are sorry for what happened we take full responsibility"

Older man " do you think I want to be bowed by kids like you .... Young lady if you have any sense you would walk away from this boys because they are nothing but trouble"

Mikey " hey leave her alone"

Takemichci " sir I'm sorry for what happened to your daughter this should never happen to anyone" Takemichci soon bowed as well, Mikey was still standing there wondering what was happening but he was soon pulled into bowing position by draken. Soon the parents walked away and now all three of them left the hospital but Takemichci felt sick to her stomach about the whole matter, the whole mobuis gang was evil to the bone.

Takemichci " hey I'm going to see you guys later I have to get home"

Draken " hey we will drop you off at home for safety reasons"

Mikey " yes and Takemichci I'm sorry I didn't show more respect at the ...."

Takemichci " it okay Mikey" soon Takemichci was dropped off at home now she knew of new information she could share with the naoto when she get back the future, but she already knew the young cop already knew of what was going on and his new coming plan.

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