Chapter 13

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The had started between members of toman and mobius but Takemichci was making sure she kept draken alive, but that was hard when a bunch boys were beating each other like it was nothing. There were a few times when she almost got hit but nearly missed, she was running when some mobius member nearly landed on her she was pulled back by someone.

????? " hey are you doing here Takemichci you should stay out of the way" Takemichci soon looked up and saw it was baji who pulled her back, he soon released her quickly.

Baji " stay out of the way they don't care if you are a girl they will still hurt you"

Takemichci " okay" Takemichci soon moved out of the way when she saw draken but he was not alone Kiyomasa was walking over to him, and without thinking Takemichci ran over to them she was able to push Kiyomasa out of the way but it came to with a piece.

Draken " Takemichci are you okay"

Takemichci " what do you mean I'm fine" Takemichci had felt some pain she didn't know if it was from but she soon looked down and saw she had been cut by the blade.

Draken " don't move take-Chan"

Takemichci " I'm okay draken it just a small cut nothing much right" what Takemichci didn't know was at Kiyomasa had gotten up once again and he was mad, he was planning on killing someone today or else. Kiyomasa soon ran up towards Takemichci and draken ready to stop him, when he stabbed draken who pushed Takemichci out of way.

Takemichci " no" Takemichci soon punched Kiyomasa hard knocking him to the ground and she help draken onto his feet.

Draken " man that hurts"

Takemichci " hey come on we are getting you to the hospital right away"

Draken " I'm good take-Chan"

Takemichci " no you are not now come on" Takemichci soon walked out parking lot with draken they soon ran into hinato and Emile. Emile was calling for an help while hinato was making sure no one else was coming after them, soon the rest of Kiyomasa gang showed up.

Takemichci " look like we are going to fight again"

Kiyomasa friend " you are dead Takemichci"

Takemichci " you know what hearing those words now they don't bother me as much now come on I will to fight"

Draken " not without me I can use some action"

Takemichci " no you are hurt" draken was standing on his own feet but was not taking no as an answer, Takemichci soon smiled.

Takemichci " well that no point of fight with you on this so let's go"

Hinato " Takemichci no ...." hinato was going to stop Takemichci the girl he loves and care about when he saw he take down one of Kiyomasa friends like it was nothing she soon smiled at the three boys behind her.

Takemichci " come on boys we can teach them a lesson right" before any of the guys could make a move Takemichci friends came running past and started acting the rest of Kiyomasa gang.

Akkum " we won't ever let you all hurt take-Chan again"

Takemichci " aww thank guys now come on I have some words I will like to have with this boys"

The guys " yeah" after some more fighting Takemichci and her friends had the older boys beat but they all soon ran off when serien could be heard, and soon enough draken and Takemichci were taken to the hospital. Draken would make it with luck his side while Takemichci had some snitches which she would be needed to explain to her mother later on.

Draken " that Takemichci is something special is she"

Mikey " yes she is"

Girl in the gang जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें