Chapter 39: The Epilogue

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Camila's name was called and she turned and kissed Lauren before walking to the stage. The crowd was applauding loudly and she smiled as she took her award and turned to the microphone. She took a deep breath and grinned then started to speak.

"It was 9 years ago that I stood here and accepted my first Grammy," Camila said, "I can't believe I've lasted this long."  The audience laughed and clapped.

"That night I told the world how much I loved my Lauren," Camila said, looking at her wife in the audience. "I really believed at that moment that I had reached my capacity to love her but I was wrong. I thought that would be the best day of my life but I was wrong again.  Since then I've watched my wife carry our two children.  There's no doubt that the births of Lara and Cameron were my best days.  And as for my capacity to love her – that was just the beginning.  She's still the one backing my career, running LJM Records, planning the tours and helping me record – but she's also the one sitting on the floor doing puzzles with the kids, kissing their booboos and making the world's best pancakes. I love her more each and every day.  This award, and everything I do, is for you, Lauren."

The crowd went crazy as the camera panned to Lauren wiping away her tears as Camila walked off the stage.

Camila made her way back to her seat and took Lauren's hand in hers.

"Are you also remembering what else happened the night you won the first Grammy?" Lauren whispered in her ear.

"I might be," Camila answered, giggling.

"I think I can improve on that as well," Lauren said, raising an eyebrow and giving Camila a suggestive smirk.

"I'm definitely up for that," Camila answered.

They got into the limo after the show and Camila instructed the driver to take them back to the hotel.

"You don't want to go to the party?" Lauren asked, surprised.

"Babe, Sofi and Kelly have the kids, we have a hotel room...," Camila answered, grinning.

"You made that speech and you knew what it would do to me," Lauren replied, leaning forward for a kiss. They kissed for a few moments then Camila leaned back slightly.

"I meant every word," Camila said, "Do you remember how scared I was at the beginning – scared that my life might change?"

"Yes, I remember," Lauren said.

"Well, it turns out the important things stayed the same – my family, my friends – they've all stayed in my life," Camila said, gazing lovingly at Lauren, "And I found you and Sam and Jack and Clara and the band.  And now we have two perfect children..."

"I'd hardly call them perfect," Lauren said, chuckling, "I caught Cameron trying to put a raisin up Lara's nose yesterday."

"Well, mostly perfect," Camila replied, laughing.

"You know, I got just as much out of this deal as you," Lauren said, snuggling into Camila's neck.  "I never imagined I could be so happy."

"I love you, Lauren," Camila said, sighing.

"I love you too, darling," Lauren answered.

And they lived happily ever after...


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