~Chapter Sixty Eight~

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"Yeah, it is." He nods nervously.

"So then I take it as you know about the things that lurk around Mystic Falls?" Maddy questions.

"I sure do."

"Great. Then you should know that I'm one of those things. Well, three actually, but that's beside the point."

"Why are you so open to telling me this? Aren't you worried I'm gonna tell everyone?" He raises an eyebrow.

"One, you would sound like a lunatic, they would probably throw you in a straight jacket. And two, I could completely demolish this town simply using the sound of my voice, so I'm not too worried about them." She shrugs.

"That's kind of harsh. You would murder an entire town to save yourself?"

"Absolutely not." Maddy shakes her head. "But I would murder an entire town if they tried hurting me even though I just want to live in peace... Do you wanna grab a coffee or something? We can trade secrets about the ghosts and goblins that walk among us." She smiles, wiggling her eyebrows.

In all honesty, she was tired of being alone all day. Rebekah wasn't answering her calls, which she found weird. Klaus was busy scheming. Katherine was MIA as usual. She didn't really have anyone else to call. She didn't have any actual friends. She was...lonely.

"Yeah, sure. That sounds good." He nods.

Any chance he had to spend time with her, he was gonna take it. No one was gonna mess this up for him, not his sister, not Bonnie, and not Damon.


The two sat in the middle of the park, a blanket placed underneaths them. After finally deciding on a picnic they ordered food and bought snacks to munch on for their little get-to-know-each-other day. It was hard for Jeremy to sit and act like he didn't already know her. It was hard to act like she wasn't the one who somehow made him feel normal and special at the same time. It was hard to pretend she hadn't been considered his family just twenty-four hours ago. Knowing that she erased the memory of him was hard.

"So, if you had to choose between being a vampire, a witch, or a werewolf which one would you choose?" Maddy questions, popping a piece of chocolate in her mouth.

"Hmm, tough question, but, probably a witch. The other ones come with too much baggage." He sighs, finishing off the last of his cheeseburger.

"Witches aren't all unicorns and rainbows. The power can go to their head pretty quickly. They become dangerous."

"I know a witch. She's pretty awesome. She doesn't like me right now, but I still think she's great."

"Oh? Why doesn't she like you right now?"

"She was my girlfriend an I uh, I may have kissed another girl." He states regretfully.

"And who's the home wrecker?"

"She's a ghost."

"Ha! You cheated on your girlfriend with a ghost? Jeremy, what the hell is wrong with you?" She laughs.

"She wasn't just a ghost. She was my ex-girlfriend." He explains.

"That doesn't make the situation any better." Maddy shakes her head.

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