Chapter 4: Centauri Institute

Start from the beginning

A few girls strolled inside the class laughing at a joke or whatever people laughed at nowadays. They sat down in their seats, and as they took out their books they continued to gossip away. More kids entered and the noise grew in the class, the momentary peace had left and Ender was overwhelmed by them all. He shifted his eyes away from the class and outside to the snow-covered fields.

He remembered snow very differently when he was in a cage. Now, the rooms were warm wherever he went and he never worried that his toes would fall off. In the cage, the weather was the second enemy because it would either kill them in the cold or heat.

Right now, the whole field and forest was packed with large hills of snow and no one seemed concerned. Everyone that lived around the pack in their cabins had shovelled paths to move around freely. There were a bunch of snow structures built on the fields too, which Ender saw kids hiding behind to throw snow at each other. He'd never done that before and honestly it looked a little fun. Maybe, he could go build something himself.

Suddenly, the ruckus grew when a bunch of boys bombarded into the classroom.

Ender's entire body stiffened in his seat. This was the one thing he didn't like about school. These boys thought they owned the halls of this place. They got into everyone's business and made it their duty to know everything about everyone. Ender read about it in a book, it was their way of making friends. Not that it mattered, he stayed away from them and they did the same.

However, the one boy that everyone was friends with strode into the classroom last. His red bag hung over one shoulder and he wore a black hoodie with jeans. He had a cocky grin and wicked grey eyes which was always observant of everyone around him. He had dark hair and it was ruffled around his eyes like he'd just gotten out of bed.

Jaxx Grayson went around the room and took his seat, which so happened to be right next to Ender and it was frustrating. Whenever Ender wanted to concentrate or do work, Jaxx was busy chatting to his friends. Ender really didn't know how to understand them, he felt like he was on the other side of the line unable to cross it and reach them. Diego would have no problem making them his friends, frankly the whole class would've loved Diego.

Mrs. Anderson arrived and Ender was glad because his mood had gotten scary.

"Good morning, kids," she greeted. She was a simple woman with brown hair and dark eyes that hid behind silver spectacles.

"Good morning, Mrs. Anderson!" They shouted back.

She went straight to the homework bin. Many of the students winced and tried to hide behind their school bags because it was clear they hadn't done the work.

"As expected, Ender's always the first," Mrs. Anderson praised lifting his assignment in her hand.

"That's because he's smart," announced Jaxx with a smug grin and locking eyes with Ender.

Ender wanted to hide.

"Is that your way of telling me that you don't have your assignment, Jaxx," remarked Mrs. Anderson.

"Nope, this time I do have it," he told her and his friends laughed in shock. Usually, Jaxx and his friends ditched their school work and played outside.

He got up with the rest of the students who handed in their work too. Jaxx sat down beside Ender and it was obvious when he was staring at his way. Ender could feel those torrent grey eyes all the time. He knew Jaxx didn't like him, so he didn't have to fake being nice.

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