Michael sat on the living room, constantly hearing his father's lectures. Clara was at the hosptial meanwhile Elizabeth was in her room sleeping. This only increased Michael's fear. Knowing that him and his father alone in a house, was just going to be pure violence.

"How could you do that to your own brother, you disappointment me more everyday. You better pray on your god damn knees if he even makes it out alive"

Michael stayed silent. It was easier this way. If he didn't return insults, there would be no damage done to his skin, only except for his nerves. Anger constantly boiled inside of him, William only added fuel to the fire. Fights with the greasers, and filthy unmannered boys were his only way of coping. Each punch would contain all of his built up anger. It was easier than taking it out on his poor siblings.

Michael sighed, he stood up and grabbed his jacket from the coatrack ready to make his way out of the house. "Where do you think you're going?" William glared down at him. "I'm leaving" Michael opened the door and slammed it shut. He took his keys from his pockets and opened the car to his door. "Anywhere but here" he mumbled to himself.

It was quiet dark outside, not a car in sight was driving down the streets. Michael inserted the key into the ignition, turning up the volume to Back in Black by AC/DC.

He began driving down the empty streets at a fast speed. There was no one around, so nothing was stopping him from driving at 90 mph. He turned, as the tires of his car burned, leaving tire marks on the streets.

Shortly after, he was parking in front of Henry's house. He's just had enough of this life, and the only person he needed the most right now was Y/n. He didn't want to have her listen to him rant about how horrible his father was, he just wanted to be with her. To make her laugh, to make her smile.

But still it doesn't take away the fact that there is guilt pressured into his chest. He could only hope and ask for the universe to let his brother live and forgive for what he has done. He swore the moment he saw Mark, he would beat the shit out of him for giving him the stupidest idea. Then he would punch himself, for listening to his stupid idea.

He walked to the side of the house, holding a couple of pebbles in his hand. He took one and tossed it to Y/n's window, watching it as it clanked against the window and jumping back, only to hit the ground.

There was only a couple of throws, till the window was lifted. Y/n poked her head out seeing Michael with a handful of pebbles in his hand. She smiled slightly, leaning her arms against the window rim. "What are you doing?" she whispered yelled followed by a giggle. "I needed to see you. Come out" Y/n looked back at her door. "One second" she lifted her finger, motioning for him to wait.

She crawled out of her bed, grabbing Michael's black crewneck and a pair of sneakers. She fixed her bed hair a bit, and crawled out of the window. She held onto the edge of the window lowering herself, she hung from it looking down at Michael. He motioned for her to jump down in which he did. He caught her bridal style "Hey there beautiful" he chuckled setting her down. "Hey handsome" she winked.

They continued to walk down the street, looking up at the night sky while endlessly talking about anything really, anything but what has happened. They stopped by a liquor shop grabbing a couple snacks. They proceeded to pay for it and continued on with their walk, with slushies in their hands and f/s.

Y/n hated to ruin this moment. But it had to be mentioned. "Michael. Don't you think.. maybe he did something to Charlie." Michael stopped looking at Y/n. He gulped down hard. "I-I..." Michael was lost for words, even though this wouldn't be a big surprise, but it was hurtful. "I- I don't know" he sighed taking another sip of the cold beverage.

About A Girl [Michael Afton x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें