Best Student (🖤)

Começar do início

"Miss Y/N?"

You got back in reality, and realised Professor Stark called you. You cleared your throat and listened to what the teacher wanted to say.

"Are you paying attention?" Professor Stark raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes sir. I-I am." You replied, nodding while trying to hide your blush from everyone.

"Okay. Then explain me, what I just said?" Shit, you were busted. You didn't knew what he said before because of getting lost in your thoughts. You felt he was gonna go mad, shit. You can't even remember anything.

"So, it feels like you weren't paying attention, Miss Y/N. Wow." He smirks, and you could already feel he held a disheartened look. You disappointed him, great job.

"Never mind, you can now pay attention again. On board." Professor Stark turned back to the whiteboard, explaining everything back again.

He didn't look mad to you, but still, you felt a little shame that you didn't answer him this time. You thought it could have created an image in his mind that how can you disappoint him. Your worries shoot up the limits.

The bell rang, and then Professor Stark tells everyone to dismiss. The students began to leave, but as soon you began to, he stopped you right there.

"Miss Y/N. I didn't say you can leave." The teacher stopped you midway, as you got super scared and slowly turned around, with a worried face.

"I want to have a talk with you. Please sit." He gives you a chair, and gets seated in his own. You slowly walk towards the desk, and sit on the chair he gave you. He wears his spectacles, clicks his pen and begins to write something on the paper, and you grew more nervous.

"So, what is it, that my best student didn't answer my question this time? Is something wrong, Miss Y/N? Were you distracted somewhere?" He asked, folding his arms.

"U-uhm.." You hesitated, since you were embarrassed to even admit you were truly distracted into him. You cannot ruin your image in front of him knowing how hard it took you to be his best student. Instead, you reply with;

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, but I just forgot the answer." You gulped, after saying your answer.

"Forgot? But, I well knew you know the answer. Still, it felt like you couldn't stop laying your eyes on that one thing that's.. always distracting you." He gently smiles, and you blushed, trying to hide it from him.

You were quiet for a while, but Mr. Stark tried to bring you back to your senses. "Miss Y/N, I asked a question."

You were equally scared, but you didn't wanted to be scolded by your professor, and you just take a deep breath before responding.

"Sir uhm.. I was just looking at you while you were teaching. Nothing else."

"Hm?" He grows a little closer, folding his hands. "How did I look?"

You widened your eyes, and kept on speaking. "G-good?"

He chuckled. "Oh, Miss Y/N. Looks like my best student has a crush on me."

You lost it, you immediately lost it. Internally, you were screaming, but externally you tried to keep a straight face. Fireworks were bursting in your stomach and it was driving you wild. Did your teacher really mean it?

"N-no! Mr. Stark, i-it's not a cru— argh.. I respect you as a teacher, you know how many students adore you, but, I admire you and your work too. I just don't want to create a bad example for you."

"No, Miss Y/N. You never created a bad example for me, or for anybody. It's a good thing you are always attentive in my classes like the rest. Sometimes I wish if I can just keep you in my class, all alone and teach you a lot." He smirked.

You chuckled nervously. "T-thank you, Professor."

"Please. Call me Tony, I hate being called professor you know? Too formal for my kind." He replied. "Anyways, did you eat something? Let's have lunch together, hm?"

You blushed. "Huh? N-no, it's fine— I actually had—"

"Miss Y/N. Stop hiding your feelings. I know you're hungry, I'll pay for the food, happy?"

You don't know but you smiled for a brief moment, he was being too damn sweet. You didn't mind having some personal company with him. "S-sure."

"That's my best student."


I hope you liked it! Sorry if this chapter doesn't seem good, since my creative juices aren't working much because of upcoming exams and my *cough* little sickness :')

Btw, I'm deciding to put requests on hold because of my exams, hope you understand!

Anyways, thank you for reading! And thanks for requesting!

— Khushi, zhe author ♡

Tony Stark ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora