Control | Part 10

Start from the beginning

".. forever?" Eliza asked further, and Alejandro nodded, and smiled. She smiled back too, and they both hugged each other in a loving way. The flashback ended, and brought back Tony in a quick jolt, as he panted, sweat trickling down his forehead. He suddenly felt it too real, and connected to him. To everything that he witnessed in his life.

He saw himself, in the universe he just travelled through. The era was pretty unknown, but looked as if it was thousands of years older. Could have been more ancient than that. Tony was more determined to find more answers in it, and gulped, getting back to his meditating phase again. To the same possibility. He travels his mind back again, and sees the vision further.

The sorcerer, Alejandro was in his room, sleeping, while slowly, his attention then went to his astral projection near the corner, who was learning spells. He closely looks at the book he was reading, to see a similar looking cover, that he had too.

"Wait.. is that the Darkhold?" He said to himself. A knock was heard on the door, and Alejandro quickly disappears the book, and gets into his own body, waking up to see a man coming in.

"Alejandro, we need to talk." The man had grey hair, and wore a black robe over his sorcerer uniform.

"Papa? What's the matter?" The sorcerer walked towards his father.

He sighed. "We realised your powers have.. grown powerful and.. I'm proud of it. But, what really worries us, is that the fuel you're using to advance your abilities, doesn't seem to look pure."

"Not.. pure?" Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows. "What does that mean, father?"

"Be honest with me. Are you learning something against the rules of the sorcerers?"

Alejandro hesitated. He was afraid if he revealed he was learning magic from the Darkhold, he would have been punished. The sorcerer didn't wanted to learn this magic for the wrong purposes, but for a miserable reason, he began to.

Because Alejandro in his childhood, achieved such special powers from his father, but never had been able to use it properly, reason why he was always judged by his classmates for having weakest ability of them all. His father, seeing his problem, wanted to train him with his abilities. Slowly, slowly, Alejandro was being comfortable with his magic, and he was also getting compatible to control it. But, he had the need to learn it more. More to be stronger. Powerful, so he asked if there was something where he can grow his powers more quickly.

His father was hesitant, since he wanted to keep the fact away from him he could grow into a violent, monstrous sorcerer who could destroy the world with it's chaos, if he tells him more about it. He always refused and left. One time, he finally recognised how he can learn his powers more stronger —
through the Darkhold.

Secretly, he would be learning, and his magic would grow more stronger, without letting anyone, including his father know he's reading a book which was going to make him pay a heavy price.

Back to their conversation, he just replies with a "No."

Though his father wasn't sure if he was being honest, still, he made it look like he believed him. "Fine. But I'll keep on checking you. Don't worry, it's not that I don't trust you, but concerned."

"It's not a problem papa. I'm okay with it. Y-you should go sleep too, it's quite late." Alejandro shrugged, and his father left. He sighed in relief, finally that he didn't get caught.

Tony, who was seeing everything, was confused that why would Alejandro lie to his father. He can't interfere, since he can only spectate through his meditating state, but felt like things were getting clearer, the more he watched closer. The sorcerer was still looking his dad leaving, then turned his face and walked towards the mirror. He looks at his eye circles, growing darker because of consuming too much of the dark magic. His fingertips were producing a red aura, which worried that it's going to make him lose his mind.

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