Chapter 41

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 Lorelei had heard Jesse talking about wanting to dance almost every day leading up to the wedding. He pulled her out onto the dancefloor as soon as the DJ started to play music. Lorelei giggled as he grabbed her hand and dragged her. He wrapped his arms around her waist as they swayed.

Lorelei saw Molly in the corner of her gaze. She winked at Lorelei. Jesse looked over his shoulder to see Molly.

"She loved your speech," he said. "How long did it take you to write it?"

"I spent two weeks and used none of my material," she said. "I just listened to what you said."

"You did great."

He pulled her close and kissed her. It was one of those sweet and tender kisses. She wondered if he would try to dominate her on the dancefloor at Molly's wedding in front of everyone.

She was unaware of Bryan glaring at them.

The beat of the music picked up and the song transformed into one of Lorelei's favourite ABBA songs. Lorelei smiled and threw her hands up in the air. Molly ran from the DJ table over to Lorelei and grabbed her arm.

"Sorry, Jesse," Molly said. "I'm stealing Lorelei for this one."

Lorelei kissed Jesse's cheek before letting Molly pull her to the middle of the dancefloor. They giggled as they danced to the beat. Lorelei sang along to the song. The same song she listened to on repeat on her way to work.

Lorelei ad Molly danced like they used to at the clubs in university. Lorelei caught a glimpse of Jesse. He was laughing and shaking his head as he watched her throw her arms in the air as she sang loudly.

When the song ended, Jesse came up behind Lorelei and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her back against his chest.

"I'm going to take my girlfriend back," Jesse said

Molly stuck out her tongue.

"Fine," she said. "I have a husband to go find."

Molly turned and headed toward Anthony. He was talking to Bryan, who was on another beer. Anthony had his hand on Bryan's shoulder. Bryan was scowling.

Lorelei turned in Jesse's hold. He moved to start dancing, but she put her hand on his chest.

"I want something to drink," she said.

"There's water at the table," he said.

"I wasn't talking about water."

"You already had some wine with dinner."

Lorelei rolled her eyes. She walked over to the bar without looking back at Jesse, but she knew that he was following. He was silent as she ordered a drink.

"Don't get drunk, Lorelei," he said.

"It's a wedding," she said. "I'm allowed to drink."

Jesse let out a deep breath. He chewed on his lip as he watched Lorelei. He ripped the glass out of her hand after she drank most of it in one gulp. She knew that if she drank it slow Jesse would never let her finish it.

"That's enough," he said.

Lorelei scoffed. Jesse reached for her hand, wanting to pull her back onto the dancefloor, but she pulled away. She held her hands behind her back to stop him from trying to grab her again.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she said.

Lorelei marched across the venue and over to the washroom. Jesse was close behind her, but she couldn't hear him over the click of his high heels. She went to slam the door shut, but Jesse barged in. Lorelei turned to see that his jaw was hard and his brows were furrowed. He turned and locked the door.

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