Chapter 29

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"Look at this place!" Molly said after she dropped her suitcase.

She raised her hands and spun around the hotel room. Lorelei smiled as she set her bag down and stepped into the room. There were two large beds with crisp white sheets. A large television hung on the wall. Molly ran to the window and pulled the curtains open. They had a gorgeous view of the old port in Montreal.

Katelyn poked her head through the door that connected the two of their rooms.

"This hotel is so nice," she said.

Lorelei pulled the bride squad sash off of her shoulder. She was impressed she managed to keep the sash on for the entire train ride to Montreal and the taxi ride to the hotel.

Katrina walked into the room shaking a bottle of wine in one hand and holding a stack of cups in the other hand. Jenna walked in with a white veil in her hands.

"We got you something, Molly," Jenna said.

She set the small plastic tiara on Molly's head. The veil came down around her shoulders. Katrina set the paper cups down on the desk and started filling them all with red wine. Lorelei sucked in her bottom lip and could already feel the hangover she was going to have in the morning. She pulled out her phone, deciding to text Jesse before she got drunk.

Lorelei: We made it to the hotel room

She slipped the phone back into her pocket. Katelyn handed Lorelei one of the cups and clinked it against her own. Molly chugged her wine before slamming it down and motioning for Katrina to fill the cup again.

"So what's the plan, Molly?" Katelyn asked.

"I was thinking we could get our nails done," Molly said. "Tonight we're going to the Matrixxx."

"What's the Matrixx?" Katrina asked.

"It's a club," Molly said. "Let's just say that it specializes in male entertainment."

Lorelei rolled her eyes before taking a sip of the wine. The girls were giddy as they discussed their excitement for the first time they would be going to a strip club. Lorelei wondered how close it would be to the Alibi.

Her phone vibrated and she looked down to see that Jesse had already replied.

Jesse: Thanks. I hope you have fun with Molly

Lorelei set her half empty cup on the desk and walked toward the bathroom. She knew that she would be careful with how much she drank on this trip. She had been drunk multiple times in the past few weeks, and that was out of character for her. She had only been inebriated a handful of times since graduating from nursing school three years ago.

She sighed as she pulled the collar down of her sweater to look at the hickies. Her lips lifted into a smile when she looked at them. It was a reminder of Jesse, and she knew that is why he did it, and it made her wish he was with her. She thought that she should have pretended to be sick this weekend, but she knew it would crush Molly if she did not go.

There was a knock on the door and Lorelei let go of her sweater.

"Come on. Lorelei," Molly said. "Let's go."


Lorelei could not help but stare down at her perfectly polished red nails as she sat at the foot of the bed. She had not been able to have painted nails since becoming a nurse, and she was in love with how feminine it made her feel.

Molly and her friends were in the other room getting ready to go to the Matrixxx. Molly stumbled through the connecting doors. She had been drinking heavily all afternoon. Despite taking a thirty minute nap to try and sober up, Molly was still tipsy.

"Lorelei, come get ready," she said. "You cannot wear a turtleneck to a strip club."

Lorelei touched the neck of her sweater. Molly giggled as she sat next to her.

"Hickies are hot," Molly said. "Show them off!"

Lorelei let out a deep breath. She knew she'd get more strange looks for wearing a sweater to the club rather than showing off a few hickies. Lorelei got off the bed and Molly clapped her hands.

"Thank you!" she said.

Lorelei looked through her suitcase. She had packed the black dress that Jesse had picked out when they went to the Alibi. She did not know what else she had that was appropriate for the Matrixxx.

She took the clothes into the bathroom and changed into the dress. The low neckline showed off the marks. Lorelei pulled the elastic out of her hair and let her light brown hair tumble down her back. She arranged it to cover the hickies.

Lorelei smirked as a thought came over her mind. She pulled her hair to one side of her neck, exposing Jesse's marks. She pulled out her phone and snapped a selfie in the mirror. She smiled as she texted the photo to Jesse.

She stepped out of the bathroom and back into the hotel room. Molly had changed into a tight white dress with no back. She had that little tiara and sash back on. Her eyes went wide when she looked at Lorelei.

"Oh man," she said. "Jesse marked you up good."

Lorelei covered the mark with her hand. She bit down on her lip to try and suppress her smile.

"Kinky," Molly said with a wink. "I like it."

Katelyn and Katrina were sitting on Molly's bed. Katelyn's jaw dropped and Katrina rolled her eyes. They each had a paper cup full of wine in their hands. Lorelei was impressed that they had already managed to finish three bottles.

"I want to hear all about this guy," Katelyn said. "I think it is cute that he gave you a couple of hickies."

"Cute?" Katrina laughed, which had a hint of a snort to it. "It's pretty juvenile."

"Were you mad at him for doing that?" Katelyn asked.

"Yes," Lorelei said. "Now, can we change the subject?"

"Should we talk about how Jenna is already throwing up in the bathroom?" Katrina asked.

Molly, Katrina, and Katelyn laughed. Lorelei contemplated going into the bathroom to check on Jenna. Katelyn jumped off the bed laughing and headed back into the other room. Lorelei assumed she was going to make sure her friend was okay.

Lorelei helped the girls put on their make-up because they had been drinking all day and could not keep a steady hand. They giggled and stumbled in their heels as they headed to the Matrixx. Lorelei stayed close behind, and she made sure her phone was charged so she could talk to Jesse while she was at the strip club. 

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