Chapter 16

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Lorelei's head still ached and nausea sat heavy in her stomach. After their shower, Lorelei wanted to change into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and crawl back into bed. She wanted to give in and nurse her raging hangover. She did not want to waste her morning with Jesse though, so she forced herself to put on a sundress. She twisted her wet hair back into a braid.

"Time for coffee?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, please," Lorelei said.

"Want to go to Roasters again?"

Lorelei smiled, remembering the first time they met. She grabbed a pair of sunglasses to help and try to protect her throbbing temple. Jesse threw his arm around her as they left the apartment. Lorelei held one hand to her head and squinted in the bright sun. The sirens of the ambulances racing to the hospital felt like it was piercing her skull.

Jesse kept his arm around her while they made the short walk to Roasters. He opened the door. The bells that were hanging above the door clanged, and a wave of pain shot through Lorelei's temple.

They ordered their drinks, and Jesse insisted on paying. Lorelei did not like it when men paid for her, but she was in no mood to argue. When Jesse pulled out his wallet, Lorelei heard a familiar voice.


She turned to see Molly and Anthony standing beside them. Lorelei's chest tightened, and she thought that she was going to vomit. Molly was eager to meet Jesse, but Lorelei did not want them to meet. Molly's lips were spread into a wide smile when she looked at Jesse. She clearly recognized who he was. Lorelei had described him to her, and his tattoos made him distinguishable.

"Hey, Molly," Lorelei said,

Jesse turned to look at Molly. Lorelei chewed on her lip. She wanted to push Jesse out of the coffee shop and start running.

"Who is this?" Molly asked, despite knowing the answer.

Lorelei let out a shaky breath. Jesse handed Lorelei her iced coffee. They stepped to the side so that Anthony could order for himself and Molly.

"This is Jesse," Lorelei said. She struggled to keep her voice from squeaking.

Molly extended her arm and Jesse shook her hand.

"I'm Molly," she said. "I'm Lorelei's friend."

"I've heard about you," he said.

"Oh, I have heard plenty about you."

That's it, Lorelei thought. I am going to be sick.

"You have?" Jesse threw his arm around Lorelei. "I hope that it has been all good."

Lorelei blushed. Jesse was smirking and Lorelei struggled to breathe. Molly had no filter and she expected that Jesse did not have much of one either.

"It's all been great," Molly said with a wink.

Jesse chuckled. Lorelei chewed on the end of her straw, unable to control the heat that had rushed to her cheeks.

"I'm glad to hear that," Jesse said.

"Why don't you sit with us?" Molly asked.

"We were planning on going on a walk," Lorelei lied.

She was not interested in going for a walk in the bright sun, but sitting down with Molly, Anthony, and Jesse and having a conversation was definitely the last thing she wanted to do.

"We are?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," Lorelei said. "We are."

"What about next weekend?" Molly asked. "Lorelei and I are not working."

Jesse opened his mouth to speak, but Lorelei put her hand on his chest. He furrowed his brows and looked down at her. Lorelei gave her head a slight shake.

"I don't think next weekend is going to work," she said.

"The wedding is in a month," Molly said. "You get a plus one. Make Jesse your date since Matthew isn't coming anymore."

Lorelei's jaw dropped in horror. She was glad that the sunglasses were hiding her wide eyes. Molly smirked, and Lorelei was sure she was going to kill her later. She probably just scared Jesse off and she would never see him again.

"I'd love to," Jesse said.

"What?!" she yelled.

Lorelei threw her hand over her mouth when she realized that she shouted. Half of the coffee shop had turned to look at them.

"Great," Molly said. "Lorelei can give you all of the details."

"I'm looking forward to it," Jesse said.

Lorelei grabbed Jesse's arm and yanked him forward. She pulled him out of Roasters. She turned and tightened her grip on her coffee. It took a lot of restraint inside of her to not throw it at Jesse. She was gritting her teeth as she stormed down the sidewalk. Jesse walked beside her and was sipping on his coffee.

"How could you do that?" Lorelei asked.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"You just agreed to go to a wedding of two people that you don't know," she said. "Why would you do that?"

Jesse shrugged.

"It sounded like fun," he said. Lorelei rolled her eyes, but Jesse could not see because of her sunglasses. "Are you mad at me?"

Lorelei sighed. She was annoyed, but not exactly mad. She did not want to go to Molly's wedding, but at least now she would have Jesse there to entertain her. She wouldn't be stuck having to try and socialize with Molly's other bridesmaids or Bryan.

"No," Lorelei said. "I'm just shocked."

"I love weddings," Jesse said.

"You do?"

"Oh, yeah. I can tear up the dance floor."

Lorelei covered her mouth as she burst into laughter. The image of Jesse trying to dance with no rhythm flooded her mind. Jesse smiled. The tightness in Lorelei's chest eased and she could breathe again. She stopped walking and took a couple of deep breaths.

"I can't wait to witness that," she said.

"You'll have to be my dance partner," he said.

Jesse put his hand on her waist and pulled her into his body. He kissed her and she gasped. His tongue caressed hers and her heart fluttered as her thighs clenched. Jesse claimed her on the street full of people. Lorelei was sure people would be staring, but she did not care. He tightened his hold, bringing her into a crushing hug. She grabbed fistfuls of Jesse's shirt.

He pulled away with a smile. Lorelei tried to catch her breath. He gently pressed his lips on her forehead and let them linger for a moment. He loosened his grip, but kept his arm around her waist as he walked her back to her apartment. 

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