Chapter 18

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 Lorelei impatiently waited for the day staff to come onto the unit. She had received a text from Jesse that he was downstairs. She grabbed her jacket and bag while she waited, so as soon as she was done giving report she ran off the unit. She did not wait for Molly like she usually did.

She shifted her weight from foot to foot as the elevator made multiple stops. She rushed into the lobby and saw Jesse standing by the large glass sliding doors. He looked different and had on a hoodie and a toque. She could recognize him by his crystal blue eyes and the tattoos on the back of his one hand. He smiled when he saw Lorelei.

She was sure that she looked like a mess. Her hair was tied in a pile on the top of her head and the stray hairs were pushed back with a headband. Her scrubs had a few mysterious stains and her stethoscope was still around her neck. She was not wearing any make-up and she was sure that she had bags under her eyes.

Jesse wrapped his arms around Lorelei. She slid her arms around his neck and hugged him. She took in a deep breath of his cologne. He lightly pushed her back and cupped her face with his hands.

"You look gorgeous," he said.

He leaned in to kiss her. Lorelei tightened her hold on him. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip and she opened her mouth to give him access. Her thighs clenched as his tongue caressed hers. She let out a soft moan, and it caused Jesse to kiss her harder.

A whistle rang through the air. Lorelei broke the kiss and blushed when she saw Molly and Benson standing behind them. Molly winked while Benson was staring at the floor. Lorelei took a step back, but Jesse tightened his arms around her to keep her to his chest. She looked up to see him staring at Benson.

"Look at you Lovebirds," Molly said.

Jesse kissed the top of Lorelei's head. Benson kept his head low as he walked around them and out the door. Jesse smirked as he loosened his hold. Lorelei raised an eyebrow.

"I better get going," Molly said. "I don't want to miss the streetcar."

They said their goodbyes and Molly walked outside. Jesse laced his fingers with Lorelei's and stepped back.

"Let's get to bed," he said.

"Yes, please," Lorelei said.

Jesse pulled Lorelei out of the hospital. They walked hand-in-hand back to her apartment. They were both so exhausted that neither said a word, but Jesse kept a tight grip on her hand.

Lorelei kicked off her shoes when she entered her apartment and shed her jacket and bag on the couch. Jesse dropped his backpack next to hers.

"I need to shower," Lorelei said. "I smell like the hospital."

"Want some company?" Jesse said with a wink.

"Yes, but we have to be quick," she said. "I literally feel like I'm going to pass out."

Jesse chuckled and then followed her into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and let it warm. They pulled off their clothes and dropped them on the floor. Lorelei pulled the elastic out of her hair and let it tumble down her back.

Lorelei pulled back the curtain and stepped into the shower. Jesse stepped in behind her and she turned around to face him. She pressed her hands against his chest and traced her fingers along with the dark ink of his tattoos. The warm water cascaded down her back. Jesse reached for the bottle of shampoo.

"I'd love to fuck you, but you need to sleep," he said. "But I need to get you to bed."

Lorelei nodded as she let Jesse wash her hair. After their shower, they dried themselves off before collapsing naked into bed. Jesse had his arms tight around Lorelei's waist as they drifted off to sleep.

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