Chapter Twenty Five

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Kimora's POV

After a few hours of board games and we down the four bottles of wine, Soleil decided to call it a night since she was getting tipsy and getting bored with the monopoly game we were playing.

I didn't spend long with the 5 ladies and I bid goodnight to them. They were getting hyper in the game except for Charli already keep yawning and she seemed like couldn't wait for bankruptcy to end her game. I chuckled at her demeanor exactly like Soleil did before she off to the bed just now.

Mom was a little upset about what I had done to Eden and the trio. I get it. She explained to me that I should take action ethically instead of doing something bad for revenge. Also, she never wanted me to be a bad role for my kids in the future.

I couldn't argue with her about this because she and mommy will take any action against the people with justice.

Somehow, mommy sided with me for this time, she reasoned that I just tried to protect everyone I care and she might do the same when she was at her younger age.

With this statement, mom started complaining that mommy spoiled me too much. I knew I shouldn't laugh but mom would always be dramatic and seeking for mommy's attention.

Nonetheless, it was understandable. I would never be against either of them whenever they were giving me advice.

My adorable sun baby seemed guilty after watching mom and I had minor bickering. That was too common for us and I admit our banter was weird. Deep down, we loved each other very much. So, I had to reassure Soleil that mom and I were totally fine.

Summer and Charli appreciated I did these for Soleil's sake, but they didn't fully support my action. I was touched about that instead because they worried I might get in trouble if the bitches tried to revenge on me. I never worry that since they wouldn't have the power and money to do that anymore.

At least there had two people who mentally vote for me. Soleil keep thanking me and Charlotte indirectly supported me.

I was supposed to join my sun baby in my bed, but she found nowhere from there. So, I walked to the bathroom as I leaned against the door frame, and smirked at her nearly naked body.

She was in her high bun, generously sharing her glorious body with only white cotton panties clad on her center. She seemed still tipsy by the evidence of faintly tinted on her light tan skin torso, half-opened blue eyes, and numbly brushing her teeth.

After a few beats, she eventually gazed at me after she realize my presence. She shot me a cute smile and swiftly spat the foam on the basin, rinse her mouth and casually splash the water on her face for washing.

Soleil's blue eyes were gleaming while wiping her face with her facial towel and asked in anticipation, "What took you so long?"

"Well, I'm supposed to let you sleep and continue the game with them," I explained as I teased with pursed my lips, "I change my mind because I miss you."

She chuckled as she casually dropped the facial aside and stretched her slender hand to me. I gladly took her hand as I yelped a little with a giggle at her sudden when she tugged me closer to her. I immediately felt the warmth from her body as her cold and tender lips touched mine.

I felt the tip of her tongue pressing on my lips as I parted and let it granted. We keep battling our tongues as I clung my arms around her neck while her hands were on my hips and her fingers playing with the hem of my sleeping gown.

"Mmm... I taste delicious wine and nachos," she said sloppily with a soft moan while sucking my lips as I slowly drew away from her and mumbled, "That's unfair for me. I wanna brush my teeth too, honey."

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