Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

WHAT? This is his fourth life too? No way, she don't get it.

"Remember, my lady. We determine what happens to us. If you choose to live the way you've been in your past lives, it'll probably end up the same. The cycle will repeat, there'll be no end. But if you want to put a stop on this cruel cycle, then you need to make things right." The oracle pulled out a book, "And you must start with yourself."

The oracle opened the Antique book and pulled out three more, there were four books before her held by the Oracle, "This book was written by me and has been kept from generation to generations until I come to age. I put this in a place only I knows and take it out to write again. This is my journal, and I write everything I see. That's why I never forget, and I will never forget the cycle since I witness them and jot them down myself."

The Oracle sighed, "At first, I don't get why I also jot these. But now, I think I know the reason. It took me four lifetimes to realize I should help. Now, I won't be just observing you both, then write and wait for another lifetime. I know how you're struggling as well as the Emperor, and I'm here to help put a stop on the cycle. I understand now the purpose of me and my journals. This is to give you enough knowledge, for you to have a better scheme to determine your own destiny. You have to end your cruel fate. We determine our own destiny, this time, make everything right, my Lady."

The Oracle placed the books in front of me, "In your past lives, you've only considered what you want. And you wanted freedom, you've always wanted to free yourself from him and until now. You did not consider him at all."

Blandine's trigger was immediately pulled, "Because he's cruel—"

"Because you did not give him a chance. You never got to know him, what he really feels, what he truly wants, and how his sincerity repels and turns into rage with a single utter of hate from you. I'm not blaming you, I know how you feel, you've been forced, and whatever he did to you in your past lives will never be justified. But this time is different. Every lifetime is different, everyday is a new chance, new life, this is your fourth life and it's different from your 3rd, 2nd and 1st life. Stop treating this lifetime the same as in the past. Make it new, do not cage yourself from the past. He's not the one trapping you, you have to realize you're caging yourself from the past."

It feels like a bomb. And she was suddenly devastated by the Oracle's words, because she know herself that it was indeed true.

"You know his temper. Whenever he tries to treat you nicely, you fireback making him berserk. And that's how he begins to do cruel things to you. Because of his temper and rage. But it was all in the past. Have you noticed how his grace changed?" The tone of the Oracle became louder, as if intending to make her realize his words, "If you'll compare this Magnus from the past, this one's more tender. He's trying so hard as well, but because of the call from his nature, old and true nature, he barely hangs from the thread and mostly fails to do good. But look, when you ask, he gives it now. Amias has been killed because Magnus was inconsiderate, but this time, he listened to you and freed your brother. You just have to be broader, my lady."

The Oracle tapped her head as she was feeling another wave of pain again due to confusion.

"I'm not saying you have to forgive him, I'm not saying you have to forget the past and deny what he did before. I'm saying, make yourself better in this lifetime for it to be also better. Get to know him, communicate with him. Say all your concerns, make him listen. You know he's wrapped around your tiny fingers whenever you try to be considerate and sweet."

What the hell is he saying?

"Communication is needed in every relationship. You have to tell him your sentiments, and he needs to reconsider. But abide in his terms too, with good communication, your relationship will be better." The Oracle caressed her head as she was getting more stressed with his every words, "Did you know, my lady, he lashes himself before whenever he hurts you?"

What? What in the world? No, Blandine doesn't know, and she will never know unless some tells her. She will never know how Magnus could be so stupid. He lashes himself? For what?

"Remember his scars? It was always fresh. That's because he punishes himself for days, he locks and lashes himself at the dark dungeon to compensate for his sins. He knows it's not enough, it will never be enough to terminate his cruelness to you. But deep inside, he's remorseful. And you'll never know each other's concerns because you barely communicate."

That's true, and that made her chest heavy. She never had a good memory of him because they're always on bad terms. They just do not understand each other that's why she thought they're incompatible. But hearing this Oracle now— fudge, what must she do?

"You do your own thing, enraging him and making him miserable and he forces himself on you in exchange. You both make each other miserable because you lack communication." Stated the Oracle, "He prioritizes his ego while you chooses to stick in your past. This lifetime is different, you can change it, you can put a stop on the cycle. You know you'll never escape him, so why don't you give him a chance instead?"

Blandine closed her eyes as her frustration grows. She cannot accept the fact that everything the Oracle says is true and is indeed worth a try. But, no way?

"Again, my lady. I am not putting the blame on you. He was all wrong. Nothing will ever justify what the past Magnus did before, but this lifetime is different. He is different, and you are different. He is emperor Magnus, and you are lady Blandine." Those words made Blandine cry once again, her eyes welled up in tears like a rushing river, "He was wrong, but you were too."

Just then, she started to realize how fucked up they were. All this time, she put all the blame on him, she put all the hate without realizing she also had a hole to settle. She knows his temper is short and yet she enrages him causing him to go berserk and force his ways on her. Yes, he's ruthless, merciless and crazy, but maybe the Oracle is right, perhaps, they still have a chance. Only if they make things right. And that'll happen if they communicate properly. Is that even possible? But how would you know if you don't try, right?

Blandine tried to get up and the Oracle helped her stand up properly, "I need to hear this from him. Where is he? Where can I see him?"

The Oracle's eyes blinked in jittery. As if he's been waiting for this moment as well. He looks tired of the cycle as well, and now that Blandine made up her mind to make things right, the Oracle looked more excited than her.

"As you have heard, he's punishing himself now because of his recent actions. He's lashing himself for three days now. So no one is sitting on the throne, because the Emperor locked himself at the dungeon."

Blandine's brows furrowed, "What?"

How fucking lame and hypocrite is that Emperor?

Timeless Obsession: Magnus Maximiliano (Emperor Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now