Beyond the grave (Clearsight X reader)

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Zombie! Clearsight X Male! Zombie! BeetleWing! Reader

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(B/n) - BeetleWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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Warnings: Some blood and gore. Also, possible mentions of unalive.

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

A HiveWing scientist held a clipboard in their yellow talons. They laughed manically at they looked at their results. They were in front of a massive glass tube container. Someone was inside the tube. It was the body of Clearsight.

The female ancient NightWing was in the tube was limp and in a sitting position. Her eyes were shut. She was still as a deactivated robot. Pale green and red patches were seen across her dark scales. Bones and some guts were also revealed on her body.

" Let's see if this works. ", The scientist giggled with a wide grin upon their face.
They pressed a red button close to the tube. Yellow light flashed up the tube as electricity was blasted into it. A bit after the shock, two talons lightly touched the glass of the tube from the inside. Clearsight lived once again.

The HiveWing scientist was shot with joy at their success. They walked over to Clearsight's tube. They opened it lightly, releasing the NightWing. Clearsight peeked out at the tube and looked at the scientist. Clearsight only had one purple eye. The other was pitch black, where her other one should've been. You could look closely into the black hole of her eye and it would get darker yet darker, the deeper you went.

" Why hello, my lord ~ ", The HiveWing greeted.
Clearsight's expression was surprised, puzzled and blank all at the same time.
" How am I here? ", She asked them.
They giggled at her interest and they shifted excitedly.
" I brought you back. I'm so glad that my experiment worked. You're alive once more. I'm so grateful that I get to see my ancestor in her full glory. Alive, even if some features state overwise. ", They explained.
" How long has it been? ", Clearsight asked.
" About 2,000 years. Well, maybe around 1,900 years in your case possibly. ", They stated.

Clearsight wobbled as she slithered out of the tube. She looked around the laboratory with a curious eye. Quickly, she noticed another test tube. The tube was as big as hers, maybe even a bit bigger. Another dragon was inside the tube.

The body was obscured behind the glass. However, the scales of the dragon was visible to see. They were an (s/c) shade. Even with the blurring of features, Clearsight could make out that the other dragon possessed four wings. It seemed quite familiar to her.

The HiveWing scientist came up to her, vibrating with excitement.
" Are you curious about him? ", They asked.
" Him? ", Clearsight repeated.
" Yeah, I've also got this BeetleWing. I've found him not far from where I discovered your body. He's quite a beauty too. Always a good thing when your test subject has a pretty face. ", They explained.
Then, The HiveWing flicked some switches and touched some buttons. The system turned on, sounding a buzz to indicate that it was activated.
" Ready? ", The HiveWing asked.
Clearsight nodded to them.
" Well, stand back. I don't wish for you to get hurt. ", They told her with a cautious voice.
Clearsight obeyed and took a couple of talonsteps away from the tube. The HiveWing snickered.
" Let's get this party started! ", They boomed.
Then, after a pushing of a lever, electricity zapped the tube, awaking the BeetleWing inside.

A groan escaped from the tube. He was awake. Clearsight's eye widened with excitement and impressment.
" Woah. ", Slipped out of her mouth, softly.
(S/c) talons gently touched the glass, giving the tube an unsettling look and feel or aura to it.
" Would you like to meet him? ", The HiveWing asked.
" Yeah, I do. I would like to meet this mysterious man. ", Clearsight replied with a bit of playfulness in her voice.

The HiveWing pressed a red button, opening the tube. A puff of grey gas escaped the tube, quickly vanishing into the air and floor. Not soon after, a (s/c) talon emerged from the tube. Right after it, the whole body slipped out into the open. The BeetleWing was alive and walking once again.

Patches of dark red and green were scattered upon his (s/c) scales. Rips and tears of his scales were surrounded by those patches. Both of his (e/c) were there, however one of them was a bit weaker than the other. It looked almost like it was about to fall out at any moment.

" Where am I? What happened? ", He asked, looking around the underground laboratory.
Then, as he spotted Clearsight, he gasped.
" Clearsight? What's going on? Why do you appear different? ", He questioned, with a bit of concern in his voice.
" (B/n), hello again, one of my loves. This scientist here brought us back to the living. ", She explained, weakly walking over towards him.
" But why? Why have we returned? ", (B/n) muttered back.
" I'm not sure, my love. However, we are more than one thousand years from where we used to be. ", She informed him, her purple gaze on him.
" We're in the future? ", He questioned, looking at his love in astonishment.
" Yes, we get to see the world you helped me to create. ", She stated, sweetly.
" A whole new world! ", He softly replied with a tune.

" Actually, I don't think you two will be able to see the new Pantala. ", The scientist's voice suddenly interjected.
Clearsight and (B/n) turned towards them and gave them a puzzled look.
" It's just I don't know how all of the hives will act when they see you, Clearsight. They all worship you, you know. ", They informed, with slight sadness in their voice.
" Worship her? ", (B/n) questioned, looking at Clearsight in confusion.
" Why would they worship me? ", Clearsight asked.
" Well, your so powerful, my grace. You're the one who created the entire HiveWing tribe. The only setback was breeding the BeetleWings out of existence into both, the SilkWings and the HiveWings. Why wouldn't we worship you? ", They explained.
" I did see this future. But, I thought this wouldn't be the most likely outcome. ", Clearsight stated.

" Well, what do we do now? ", (B/n) asked, curiously.
" We could try to live the best we can while we're still here, beyond the grave. ", Clearsight suggested, curling her dark tail with his (s/c) one.

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Happy spooky month!

I wish Halloween candy and spookyness comes your way! :D

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this more spooky oneshot. Honestly, this idea has been on the backburner for a while. Most of the writing is a bit old, so yeah. But I did get this idea after listening to Lifetime Achievement Award for the first time and I remembering the scrapped idea of Zombie Clearsight.

So, I hope you enjoyed this idea. It was different to write and I'm glad to finish it (Also, it's just the perfect Halloween and/or spooky month special)

Published: Oct. 1st / 2022

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