A new queen (Darkstalker X reader)

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Requested by: Kscho82

Yandere! Darkstalker X Female! RainWing/IceWing hybrid! Reader

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(H/n) - Hybrid name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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Warnings: Mentions of blood. Also, a bit of angst.

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(H/n) had come to Jade Mountain Academy with Kinkajou, who is one of her best friends. She quickly made friends in the Jade winglet, thanks to Kinkajou, of course. She enjoyed most of her time there, trying to be a bit of sunshine to the miserable dragons in this new peace that has settled after at least 20 years of conflict. Little did she know that someone was constantly reading her mind, slowly falling deeping in love with her. Deeply enough to kill for her.

As usual, the (s/c) hybrid was tagging along with the Jade Winglet. She went when Winter left and the rest followed him to find him. She tagged along the whole adventure and she was absolutely devastated when Kinkajou was hurt by Shapeshifter. She closely stayed by Kinkajou's side as she was brought to the MudWing doctor in possibility.

Now, Qibli and Winter were fighting over the powerful scroll. (H/n) was overwhelmed by everything going on. She couldn't make sense of it, until Peril reached for the scroll, ripping it from Winter's and Qibli's clutches.

The scroll burnt up in her talons, turning into a deep, dark ash. Its remains blew away in the soft wind, evaporating into the air. Suddenly, the ground started to shake rapidly. Loud cracks could be heard behind the dragonets. All their heads snapped towards it. Agate Mountain was splitting apart at the top. A shape could be seen emerging from its tips. Soon, the shape opened his eyes. A smile rested upon his lips. Darkstalker has risen.

The ancient hybrid looked below at all of them, especially at (H/n). However, (H/n) felt something off in the way he looked at her. It was different from how he looked at any other of the dragonets. It had a strange longing feeling to it. It was an uncanny feeling to (H/n). She didn't like it. It just rubbed her the wrong way.

" Thank you, Peril. Hello Moon and (H/n) ~ ", Darkstalker cooed.
The (s/c) hybrid's expression immediately turned uncomfortable. She had a bad feeling about him and couldn't shake it off. She had a lingering feeling in her throat and gut that this isn't going to go well from here.

- Small Timeskip -

(H/n) speed walked through the halls of Jade Mountain Academy. She had an anxious aura around her. She eventually got to Qibli's room. She spotted Turtle and Qibli in there. She smiled that she found them. Turtle had shared her fear of the ancient hybrid animus. She was glad she wasn't alone in all of this.

Qibli offered her the animus enchanted earring that protected her from all of Darkstalker's spells. (H/n) instantly agreed and put on the earring. After her (s/c) talon tapped back on the ground, she let out a big, deep sigh. It seemed as if she was holding that in for a whole time, as she looked so much calmer than a minute ago. Her (e/c) eyes have relaxed too, her pupils becoming wide and calm once more.

" Thank you. ", She told both with a smile.
However, the fluffy and calm feelings were quite shortlived as loud talonsteps coming be heard from the stone hall. Quickly, Darkstalker pokes his head through the doorway.
" Why, hello (H/n) ~ ", He cooed, immediately.
Then, his dark eyes landed on Qibli and then he spotted the very similar earring attached on (H/n)'s (s/c) ear.
" What are you two doing? ", He questioned.
" Qibli was just giving me an extra earring that he had. It's quite stylish I must say. ", (H/n) lied.
" Yes. Very nice. ", Darkstalker grumbled, subtly glaring at Qibli.
" Anyways, have you seen Anemone? I knew she was around here somewhere. ", Darkstalker went on.
" No, maybe she's in her sleeping cave, it's deeper into the tunnels. ", (H/n) told him with a fake smile on her face.
Darkstalker just nodded and left. But before he officially skittered away, (H/n) spotted something in his eye. She knew something was off.

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