Not too aggressive (Albatross X Reader)

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Requested by: Magic-is-dirtyminded

Albatross X Female! SeaWing! Reader

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(S/n) - SeaWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

(F/c) - Favorite color

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Warning: Angst? (Semi-angst????)

Just a bit of feels and edginess. Idk how severe it'll eventally be but I figured I should put this warning here, just in case.

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(S/n) was a close friend of the royal SeaWing family. She was especially close to Albatross, the pale animus. She made sure to check up on him whenever she could.

She had even developed feelings for the animus. She admired his determination and kindness, even if he didn't really show it. His pale face never expressed it, but she could tell some of it was in there, somewhere.

But overtime, Albatross became more and more cold. He became more drowned in his animus spells and his overall work. He isolated himself from the rest of his family, even from (S/n). (S/n) became worried for his sanity. He hasn't ever done something like this before. So, why now?

Queen Lagoon has arranged a banquet to negotiate with the SkyWings since there has been a dispute over territory.

(S/n) was at the party. The (s/c) SeaWing looked around, trying to spot Albatross. However, she couldn't spot him anywhere. She started to get worried.
' Is he alright? ', Her mind wondered.
Then, she began to look around for him.

After a couple of minutes looking for the animus and no luck, (S/n) flew off towards the main palace. She quickly found Albatross's room. She softly knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked lightly again. Nothing. Then, the (s/c) SeaWing proceeded to crack open the door and slip her head inside.

She gasped as she spotted Albatross in there. He was hunched over his desk, his back turned. His talons on both sides of his face, partly covering his ears. He was whispering to himself, but (S/n) couldn't decipher the words he was saying.

(S/n) fully slipped into the room, trying to be careful as not to startle Albatross. She walked a bit closer to him.
" Hey Albatross. Why aren't you at the banquet? ", She asked him in a quiet voice.
Albatross whipped around towards her. His eyes were different than before. It looked as if there was no color to them, but they seemed to have a slight red glint. He growled at her, baring his teeth. (S/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened. She backed away from him, quivering a bit.

" Albatross! What are you doing? ", She questioned with a fear induced voice.
He snarled at her and pulled a item for his desk. It was a long knife. This is then (S/n) really shivered in fear. She was being cornered by him. Eventually, her back clashed with one of the walls.
' Oh no! ', Her mind shrieked.

Her front talons were pinned above her up against the wall. Albatross's pale talons secured them in place, so she couldn't move her (s/c) talons. The knife levitated next to Albatross, close to his face and neck. Quickly, it flicked itself towards (S/n). It was pressed against her chin on it's side, lifting her chin slightly making her gaze up at the bigger SeaWing in front of her. A genuine terrified expression was stricken across her face. Albatross looked deep into (S/n)'s (e/c) eyes. A smirk was plastered on his face.

But then, color suddenly returned to his eyes. His muscles relaxed and his expression changed to one of shock. It seemed as if he came back to his senses. The knife dropped and clattered onto the floor, making a loud sound. Albatross removed his talons from hers and backed away. Then, he started to mutter loudly.

" I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Why did I do that? ", He spoke out.
Then, tears leaked from his eyes and stained his very pale blue gray scales. He hid his face in his talons as he weeped. (S/n) felt a pain of guilt run through her, even if she shouldn't feel guilty herself. She cuddled up to Albatross. She began to hold him in her talons and rubbed his back gently.

After a couple of moments, Albatross shoved his head into her chest. Small tears dripped over some of (S/n)'s (s/c) scales, but she didn't mind. She only cared about Albatross's well being at the moment.
" I'm so sorry. ", He peeped out, still sniffling.
" Don't be. You weren't in control of yourself. ", She reassured him.

Then, Albatross pulled away from her. He went over to his desk and grabbed a small item from it. He walked back over to (S/n) and revealed it to her.
" Here, this is for you. ", He said, putting his talons close so she could take the item.
It was a small (f/c) bracelet made from pearls. It was quite shiny. (S/n) immediately slipped it into her wrist. A small tingle surged through her.
" I enchanted it. It's supposed to protect you from any harm, even one done by animus magic. ", He explained to her.
(S/n) looked down at it and smiled. Then, she looked back at Albatross with her (e/c) eyes.
" I love it. It's a very thoughtful gift, thank you Albatross. ", She thanked.

Suddenly, a small blush appeared on Albatross's pale cheeks. (S/n) noticed it right away. She giggled at him. He gave her a confused look. Then, she proceeded to lightly tease him about it. Albatross scoffed at her a lot.

- Timeskip -

Albatross and (S/n) have officially became a couple for a couple of months now. Albatross has gotten a bit better as time went on. He became a bit more kind to other dragons, well except Lagoon of course. He still was angry at her after all. (S/n) had became very close to the other SeaWings in the family as well. She quickly felt as if she had always belonged here.

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Here, take the edgy animus grandpa. I hope this was alright. I don't believe it's as good as it could be, but this is the best I can come up with. I hope you enjoy this oneshot.

Published: Apr. 7th / 2022

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