Cheers, to our future (Fathom X reader)

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Requested by: MunchkinThe

Fathom X Gender-Neutral! NightWing! reader

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• Warnings •

Slight angst?
It's just the Darkstalker is a angsty book, ngl. So, have this semi warning, I guess.

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(N/n) - NightWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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♡ 3rd person POV ♡

(N/n) waited patiently for Clearsight and Darkstalker to come back out from the Queen's throne room. They were sitting near the door in the central courtyard. They started to shift the soft grass below their talons. (N/n) sighed and looked around the courtyard. Their eyes eventually settled on the four SeaWings around of one of the pool, particularly the emerald green one.
' He's kinda pretty to be honest ', (N/n) thought. They shook their head quickly, trying to distract themselves from their thoughts. Especially since they didn't know if any mind readers nearby hearing those thoughts.

Suddenly, (N/n) blinked as the door opened and their two friends slipped from the entrance. Clearsight smiled with a semi-worried expression. (N/n) returned a awkward smile. They quickly joined their friends' side as they all walked forward.

Clearsight brought her head up and gazed at the courtyard. She looked over to the SeaWings, her eyes widened. Suddenly, She started to speed up and almost ran over to the SeaWings. (N/n) and Darkstalker quickly rushed after her.

" Fathom, You're here! ", Clearsight exclaimed excitedly. The green SeaWing turned around with a anxious expression, He was quite tense from the looks of it. The dark blue-purple SeaWing jumped between Clearsight and Fathom.
" Stop right there, Don't lay a talon on him! ", She roared sharply and loudly. She pointed her spear right at Clearsight's throat. Clearsight staggered backward and covered her face with her talons.
" Oh no! I'm so sorry! ", She apologized.

(N/n) came closer to the purple SeaWing and gave her a apologetic look.
" I'm sorry for my friend. She's a seer, she probably got excited to see you is all. We mind no harm to you or your friends. ", (N/n) explained to her. The purple SeaWing brought her spear back to its original state.
" Who are you? ", She calmly demanded.
" I'm (N/n) and this is Clearsight. ", (N/n) stated and gesturing Clearsight.
" They're both with me. ", Darkstalker quickly interjected.

" I-I've seen you in my visions. But I kinda forgot that I didn't met you yet. ", Clearsight exclaimed to Fathom.
" You have? ", Fathom asked nervously.
" Yes, lots of times. We're friends, I can tell you that. ", Clearsight reassured him.

Clearsight turned to the purple SeaWing.
" You must be Indigo, right? ", She asked the SeaWing. Indigo simply nodded.
" Everything's alright now, Indigo. You, Wharf and Lionfish can go hunt if you want. I'll be alright with them. ", Fathom told Indigo.

As Indigo and the two other guards flew off, Clearsight got all excited again. She suddenly started to ramble for a moment to him. Then Darkstalker interjected once again.
" I had a great idea last night, Could I show you guys? ", He asked.
" I don't think I should leave. Maybe the queen had forgotten we are here.. ", Fathom said nervously.
" She's busy today. ", Darkstalker said quickly.
" Actually, Could we do this somewhere else? There could be some spying eyes ", (N/n) asked quietly. Fathom turned to them and nodded.
" Yeah, I think we should do that. ", Fathom agreed.

- Timeskip -

A couple of weeks past quickly. The four dragonets get close, especially (N/n) and Fathom. At first, Indigo didn't approve of (N/n) but she eventually warmed up to them. She was still untrusting of Darkstalker, as always.

Indigo, Fathom and (N/n) were in Fathom's room, playing a board game. Indigo growled in frustration. Fathom feeling confident in himself, for once. (N/n) had silt their eyes and studied the board. Then, they reached their talon out towards one of their pieces. They did their move and smiled.
" Haha! I win! ", They laughed.
" Wait, What! ", Fathom shouted, surprised.
" Wait, What. How. You didn't. You couldn't.  ", Indigo said angerly.
She got up and grabbed the box. She pulled the rules and started to read them. Fathom was just staring at (N/n)'s pieces. He studied them for a moment. Then, he chuckled.
" I guess you win. Good job! ", He said.
" Thank you. ", (N/n) replied.

Fathom suddenly he realized he felt a strong emotion for a moment. He shook it off though, as he replayed his traumatic memories once again.
' I can't. I shouldn't get too close to them. Just in case if I go crazy. I don't want to hurt them or Indigo. Ever. ', He told himself.

" Hey, Are you okay Fathom? ", (N/n) asked, interrupting his thoughts.
" Hehe, Yeah. Don't worry about me. ", He responded awkwardly.

- Another timeskip -

Fathom layed in his green pillows on the couch in his room. He took a deep breath and sighed heavily. It was a little while since Indigo had left but Fathom was sad as ever. He wouldn't even come out of his room since then. He had drowned himself in his own head.

A small noise echoed throughout the still room. Fathom looked up towards the noise. There was a (s/c) talon on the rim of the baloney doorway and concerned (e/c) eyes on him. He didn't respond but just looked back down. He laid his head down and turned away from the worried NightWing. Talonsteps became loud as they came closer to Fathom. A tail intertwined with his. He decided to lift his head to look at them. (E/c) eyes stared back at him, giving a gentle gaze.
" Are you alright? ", (N/n) asked softly.
Fathom looked away again. Then, he felt (s/c) talons wrap around his neck and hold him close.
" You don't have to tell me. But, I want to let you know that I'm here for you. I will be a free shoulder to lean and cry on. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll be here for you. ", (N/n) explained, reassuringly.
Fathom curled his neck in and rested his head close to (N/n)'s chest. He smiled as (N/n) draped a wing over him. He felt warm and safe for the first time in a while.
" Thank you. ", He said.

- Timeskip -

A small dark emerald-green dragonet was watching the small ripples of the water. Little did she know that her brother was creeping towards her.
" YEET! ", Her brother yelled as he picked her up and threw her into the water.
" Hey! No fair! ", She pouted as she poked her head back above the water.

Soon, a recognizable purple fin slithered towards them.
" Aunty Indigo! ", One of the dragonets yipped.
Indigo burst through the water's surface.
" Hey kids! ", She greeted, hugging them tightly.
" Now look who's the big softie now! ", (N/n) laughed.
" Hey, now you quit it before I strike you down! ", Indigo joked.
Indigo walked over to them, the dragonets following her.
" So, Where's Fathom? ", She asked.
" Daddy is over here! ", The mostly (s/c) dragonet exclaimed, running in a certain direction. Soon, he came back with Fathom. A smile appeared on Fathom's face as he spotted his purple best friend.
" Hi Indigo. How is my sister treating you? ", He greeted.
" Ehh, Bossy as always. ", Indigo stated.
" Hehe, I figured. ", Fathom responded.
" When will we get to see your sister, daddy? ", The dark emerald-green dragon asked her father.
" Hmmm... Maybe when you're older. ", Fathom answered.
" Yes, Just not now. ", (N/n) interjected. Fathom nodded.

" Last one to the beach is a rotten clam! ", the (s/c) dragonet shouted.

Indigo, (N/n) and Fathom giggled at the small dragonets as they chased each other to the beach.

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I hope this one is good. It was kinda hard to write because of all the other events in Darkstalker that I had to work off of. Lots of stuff happens in that book after all. And I hope the last scene isn't too extra, it just felt the other scenes felt almost completely platonic like (N/n) was just being a close and caring friend to Fathom. Which is still very important to have but I felt like it didn't quite fit. Sorry 'bout that :)

Published: Jan. 12th / 2022

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