Surprise adoption (Burn & reader)

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Requested by: guyfox44

Yandere! Burn X Captured! Male! Prince! SeaWing! Reader

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(S/n) - SeaWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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Warnings: Showing of a kidnap and mentions a bit of pain. Also, violence is mentioned, because it's Burn, obviously.

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☆ 3rd Person POV ☆

Prince (S/n) flapped his (s/c) wings as he breathed in the fresh, salty sea breeze. He was flying towards the Summer Palace, two guards by his sides. Everything was going so smoothly.

In the blink of an eye, both guards completely vanished. (S/n) was quickly horrified at this.
' Where are they!? They were right behind me! ', He worried.
He quickly discovered their fates as he was meet with a nasty looking SkyWing. Their talons grabbed his shoulders, tightly, lightly stinging him.
" You'll be quite the treasure for Burn ~ ", They cooed with a malicious grin.
Then, his vision was covered in darkness and he passed out.

- Timeskip -

As (S/n) regained consciousness, his head pounded with pain. A dizzy feeling was drafted around him. His vision was slow to return to his (e/c) eyes. But finally, when it returned he didn't recognize anything around him.

He looked around. Yellow stone was surrounding him. Metal bars restricted him from leaving and the outside world. It seems that he was confided in a jail cell. But what did he do to deserve this treatment?

" Get up. ", A strong, sudden voice demanded.
(S/n) jumped and searched quickly for the origin of the voice. It was a SandWing guard. They had dusty, yet sturdy armor on and they held a sharp spear in one of their talons. They unlocked his cage and opened the door.

" Get up. ", They repeated, silting their eyes in an intimidating fashion.
They slithered over to him and released him from the chains that were attached to the wall. However, the chains that held his talons and wings hostage we're not moved.

" GET UP!! ", The guard snapped, spitting at him and poking him with the spear.
(S/n) quickly jumped up, his (e/c) eyes wide and his (s/c) limbs ached.
" Come. You must be presented to Burn. She has just returned. ", The guard instructed, nudging him in the right direction.

' Burn!? ', (S/n) thought, shuddering, ' She's one of the most violent and dangerous dragons in all of Pyrrhia!! What would she want with me!? '.
As he walked along the pathways of the stronghold, he kept a clear image of Burn in his head. Her scars were like sharp pinkish red eyes glaring at him. Just the envision of her loomed over him like a dangerous tsunami wave.

As he finally reached the throne room, the guard stepped in front of him. They knocked on the door before sliding their head inside. Burn's voice crept into (S/n)'s ear like a dragonbite viper's venom. He shivered. Then, he was shoved forward by the guard. He was forced to walk into the room, however he tried to keep his (e/c) eyes closed. Then, he came to a complete stop.

" This is my gift to you, Queen Burn. ", A familiar voice announced, proudly.
(S/n) quickly recognized it as the SkyWing, who kidnapped him and disposed him of his two loyal SeaWing guards. (S/n) felt Burn shift her gaze onto him, burning deep into his (s/c) scales. It even felt a bit painful.

" He looks like a normal, ordinary SeaWing. What's so special about him? ", Burn coldly growled.
" Well, you see, he's a prince, your majesty. I thought you would love your own SeaWing prince. He's quite valuable, you know, being royal like you are. ", The SkyWing explained with a slight nervous tone.
" A royal? ", Burn repeated.
Then, there was a shuffle of movements.
" Yes, Queen Burn. ", The SkyWing confirmed.

(S/n) then felt Burn's heavy talonsteps creep closer to him. He felt himself being picked up by her. The talons were warm, but not that comforting warmth.
" Why isn't he looking at me? ", Burn asked, frustrated.
He felt her thick and smoky breath glide across his (s/c) neck.
" Look at me, little SeaWing. ", Burn ordered.
However, He didn't open his (e/c) eyes. He felt one of her talons tightly grab his face, under his chin.
" Open your eyes, SeaWing! ", She snapped, spraying his face with a bit of spit.
Hesitantly, he opened his (e/c) eyes to be met by Burn's black ones. They burned deep and strong like slightly ignited coals.

" Ah, such pretty eyes ~ ", Burn teased, smiling menacingly at him.
(S/n)'s body soon started to shiver uncontrollably.
" I like him, even if he's a nervous little guy. ", She stated, turning to the SkyWing.
The SkyWing bowed with a smile across their lips.
" I'm glad you like him, your majesty. ", The SkyWing stated, in a friendly tone.

- Timeskip -

It's been a while since (S/n) had been giving to Burn as a present. He had slowly gotten closer to her. He realized, despite her cold attitude, she was not as bad as she seems. However, he did see that she was nicer to him than most dragons, including her own loyal SandWings in her arsenal. She could actually be sweet when she wanted to.

After a while, (S/n) began to see her like his mother. She would protect him and provide him what he needed, like a mother should. Burn began to treat him like her own son as well. They're relationship was quite unexpected, but quite sweet.

- Another Timeskip -

(S/n) was at Burn's side as her sisters, Blister and Blaze appeared at the stronghold. Many dragons from different tribes circled around, watching carefully at the situation. However, one wasn't curious, she was baffled at the sight of the once missing (s/c) SeaWing prince at the side of Burn.

" What are you doing? Get away from her! ", She spat.
Everyone turned in her direction, including the three SandWing princesses.
" You shouldn't be with her! ", She hissed towards the prince.
(S/n) winced at the situation, especially due to the opposing dragon being his old mother, Queen Coral. (S/n) curled the tip of his fined (s/c) tail around one of Burn's back talons, pulling himself closer towards her. 

" Don't you talk to my son that way! ", Burn snarled back, breathing out a puff of smoke from her jaws.
" Your son? He's my son! ", Coral argued.
" Not anymore he's not. He's told me that you treated him horribly. I will not return him to you ever. ", Burn stated, glaring at the SeaWing queen.

Burn then carefully wrapped her strong wing around (S/n), encasing him with her SandWing heat.
" I thought you weren't interested in having dragonets! ", Coral protested.
" Yes, but he is an exception. Once I win this war, I will raise him better than you could have ever did. He's way above you. You never ever even deserved him. Plus, after I take the throne, I will personally enjoy your head on a stick, displayed proudly in my stronghold. ", Burn threatened, protectively.

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Hey, here's a request!

I've been a bit busy lately, but I hope you enjoy this one.

Published: Sept. 26th / 2022

(Edited: Mar. 30th / 2024)

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