Resisting control (Queen Ruby & reader)

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Requested by: Betty2665

Queen Ruby X Female! SkyWing! Princess! Reader

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(S/n) - SkyWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(S/n) is the daughter of Queen Ruby. She has been a secret for a while. Ruby has kept her away from Scarlet's preying eyes ever since she was born. Now, that Ruby is now queen, Princess (S/n) has been embraced by the Sky Kingdom as their next heir to the throne.

However, it wasn't all fun and games. When Scarlet returned to reclaim her throne. Instead of going after Queen Ruby herself, Scarlet went for her daughter, princess (S/n).

The (s/c) SkyWing princess was just like her mother. However, she had a brighter, burning fire inside of her. She was headstrong, fierce, and wasn't the SkyWing to back down, yet she was still kind, loyal and reasonable. Unfortunately, Scarlet knew about this and started to use it to her advantage. Scarlet decided to use the dreamvisitor to get into (S/n)'s head through her dreams.

" My granddaughter ~ ", Ex-Queen Scarlet slithered, flicking her tongue like a dragonbite viper.
Princess (S/n) stood up, frozen as the voice of Scarlet sent a shiver through her spine. She knew she was dreaming, but that voice would always rub her the wrong way. The ground as a deep, dark red and orange and the sky was dark as well. (S/n) tried her best to ignore Scarlet.

" I know you can hear me, little SkyWing. You can't act like you don't ~ ", Scarlet teased, a evil grin resting on her orange lips.
" What do you want? ", (S/n) coldly snapped, not letting her (e/c) gaze go onto Scarlet.
" Oh, you know exactly what, Princess (S/n) ~ ", Scarlet chuckled, slowly starting to walk over to her.

Soon, she could feel Scarlet's breath on her (s/c) neck. A wave of uncomfort wafted over her entire body. Scarlet brought (S/n) in close and brushed her with her big red wings and orange tail. (S/n) hated when she did this, it made the (s/c) so uncomfortable and it made her to want to run away from Scarlet, yet she couldn't move, so frozen in place.

" Come on, join me. Forget about your mother. She's pathetic, barely even a good queen I'd say. You are so much better than she is or ever will be. You are so much stronger than her. If you would join my side, we could rule the Sky Kingdom together. You by my side. Think of all the power you have in your talons, (S/n). Join me and all your problems would vanish. Do you hear me? Everything would be good again. Think of the possibilities, (S/n). ", Scarlet told her, with a very convincing tone.
(S/n) shook her head at this offer. She loved her mother, she wouldn't betray her like that.
" No. I will not. I love the way things are in the kingdom. The kingdom doesn't need you coming back and screwing everything back up. ", She snarled, flaring her wings and glaring at Scarlet with her blazing (e/c) eyes.

Scarlet was shocked at this reaction. Immediately, she bared her teeth at (S/n).
" Oh, wow. You are such a little pest, (S/n). Disrespecting me like that? When I take control of my throne once again, you are going to regret ever talking to me like that. ", Scarlet growled.
" I will never respect you after what you've done to the kingdom. ", (S/n) told her, setting her talon down.

Scarlet got even more enraged at that comment. She quickly tried to attack her, however because this is a dream she couldn't hurt her. Plus, before Scarlet could even lay a talon on her, she woke up, disrupting the dreamvisitor's influence.

Princess (S/n) opened her two (e/c) eyes. She was back in her bed, curled up. However, she heard talonsteps in the hallway. Then, she realized it was her mother and younger brother that appeared into her room. Queen Ruby held a torch with her, looking concerned at her daughter. Prince Cliff quickly scrambled to (S/n)'s (s/c) side.

" Are you ok? You were yelling again in your sleep. ", Cliff observed.
" Yeah, sorry. Just had another one of those nightmares. ", (S/n) told him, looking away.
" Do you need me to sing you a sleepy song? ", Cliff offered, smiling at (S/n)
" I don't think she needs that right now. ", Queen Ruby stated.

Cliff looked back and tilted his dark red scaled head.
" She needs me, Cliff. Could you go back to your room for me? ", Ruby asked him in a soft, comforting voice.
" Will you come back and tuck me back into bed? ", Cliff questioned, shifting with his tiny, dark red talons.
" Yes, after me and your sister are done, I will tuck you back in. You need your royal beauty sleep after all. ", Ruby informed him, chuckling a bit at herself at the end.
" Alright, mommy. But be quick! ", Cliff exclaimed, walking outside into the stony hallway.

After Cliff was out of earshot, Queen Ruby turned her attention back to Princess (S/n). She put the torch in a nearby slot and then, she gave her daughter a sad look. She climbed up on the bed and wrapped her tail around (S/n). The (s/c) SkyWing princess got up and snuggled into her mother's long neck. Ruby also curled her wing around (S/n) to comfort her a bit more.

" What was the nightmare about? ", Queen Ruby asked with a quiet voice.
" It was Scarlet again. She's asking me to join her. I don't want to do that. I never wanna betray you. ", (S/n) admitted.
Ruby's eyes widened at the fact that Scarlet was going after her dragonet.
" Well, I'm glad you are still fighting her control. I'm so sorry you have to deal with her torment. You are so strong by resisting and staying true to yourself. I'm so so proud of you. ", Ruby told her, smiling.
" You are? ", (S/n) questioned, looking up at Ruby with her (e/c) eyes.
" Yes, You and Cliff make me so very proud. You dragonets are the ones keeping me strong. So if you keep going, you'll be so much stronger than Scarlet is. Don't let her win. Now, you may tell me whenever she bothers you. ", Ruby confirmed.
" I will. ", (S/n) peeped out.

Then, after a couple of moments, Queen Ruby lightly rubbed (S/n)'s (s/c) scaled back and neck. She also hummed a slow and calming tune to (S/n). Soon, the (s/c) dragonet's (e/c) eyes shut and she completely let herself go limp on Ruby's chest. The SkyWing queen smiled at her as (S/n) felt as if she was drifting back to sleep.

' I will protect you from her, my dragonet. I will make sure of it. ', Ruby thought.

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Hey, have this one. This request has been on the back burner of requests for a while, apologizes. But, I hope this one is alright :)

Published: Aug. 22nd / 2022

(Edited: Mar. 30th / 2024)

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