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Her legs ached. She ran with precision. Never looking back, jumping over fallen trees. She was fast. She'd been preparing herself for this for days. She had to prove herself, if she didn't who knew what would happen. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her which was faster than the average human. 

She loved the feeling she got from being ahead. The adrenaline pumped through her veins as if it were the only thing making her heart beat. The wind whipped her face. 

She smiled as the fresh air filled her lungs. Perhaps, she was enjoying this too much. But, an adrenaline junkie is as an adrenaline junkie does. 

She pulled a small device off her mid section and pushed her arm forward. A string was released and wrapped around a thick tree branch tightly and lifted her into the air. 

She did a flip and landed on the tree branch. 

And then she waited. 

She was silent and still. Camouflaged against the dark colors of the tree. 

And as if her wish came true, she spotted him. 

He ran in the same direction she'd come from. He might not have been running as fast she was, but he was still going at a steady pace. 

She waited until he was directly under the tree before pouncing down. 

She wrapped her legs around his neck and forced her weight to the ground. 

The wind was knocked out of him. He hadn't been expecting her to jump down from the tree. 

"Why did you do that? I thought you liked me." he coughed. She pulled herself to her feet. 

"Sorry, pal." she breathed. 

And just like that, she was kicked to the ground. It was just as unexpected as her jump from the branch. 

She was quick though. She'd prevented her back from hitting the ground by doing a roll like move and sliding back on her feet in a kneeling position. 

She looked up at the perpetrator. 

"Get her, she deserves it." her previous victim groaned. 

She stood up and pulled her sword off her back with the smuggest smirk you'd ever seen. 

"You ready for this, big guy?" 

He shrugged. "Sure thing." 

She charged forward. He ducked her every attack. 

He managed to get the sword out of her hands and they fought only hand-to-hand. 

She finally got him in a weakening position when she jumped back. 

Blue and gold flew past her vision. She quickly grabbed a knife off her leg and threw it. 

The girl flew toward the tree so hard, they were sure it was gonna fall down. 

Then she continued her fight with her first victim's savior.  

And like all the other ones, she had him on the ground. 

"Well, done, Evie. I hadn't expected that from you so early on.

She smiled and glanced around at her teammates who would be covered with bruises and in pain for the rest of the foreseeable future. 

"Yeah, me either." she breathed. 


This might be the only chapter I get out tonight and if so, I'm sorry. 

I also might not get anything out this weekend. My aunt's coming down from Newmarket on Saturday and I'll be at my grandmother's from tomorrow till probably Sunday. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 

Vote and comment below!!! 

Please have a great night!!!!

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