A meeting was called. In the middle of the night. A meeting was called in the middle of the night and he was late. In Evie's personal opinion, it was extremely rude to wake everyone up and proceed to be late. Evie had her face rested on her hand as she stifled a yawn. As the moments passed, she was finding it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes opened. 

Her eyes began to close and her face was sliding slowly down to the table. She drowned out all sounds. 

Alex took notice of her falling asleep and awoke her by kicking her leg as Stanley walked in the room. 

"Thank you for coming." he started. 

"Oh, sure. It was no problem to walk into a room twelve feet away from my sleeping quarters at... ah, two in the morning." Charlie spoke, glancing to the ancient clock on the wall. Stanley chose to ignore his sarcastic remarks. 

"It's come to my attention that some of you are not as well trained as I thought." he continued. Evie, even though she was tired, snorted. 

"Oh, yeah. Those two. They rely way too heavily on their powers." she stated, motioning to both Ashleigh and Charlie who didn't have the energy to argue with her. 

"Actually, I'm talking about you." 

Charlie and Ashleigh smirked and covered their laughter as Evie's reaction was pure shock. 

"What the actual shit? Is this some kind of joke?" she questioned. Stanley shook his head. 

"Do you have to use that language right now?" Alex sighed. Evie rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, I do. Especially when crazy shit like that comes out of peoples mouths." Evie stated. Stanley let out a breath. 

"You're skills are extraordinary, Evie. My issue with your fighting is not whether you can, it's whether you will." Stanley told her. She scoffed. It was complete crap in her opinion. 

"I don't question whether I will or won't. I just do. If there's something that needs to be done, I'll do it no questions asked. Simple as that." Evie stated. 

"Then why didn't you make the decision to use your powers against Alex when Jackal had him under his thumb?" Stanley inquired. Evie clenched her jaw slightly. 

"I don't attack my comrades. Under any circumstances. My powers could've killed him." she answered. 

"But, as I saw it, he was beating you to near death. Why not take the shot?" 

"It wasn't him now, was it?" Evie snapped. Stanley paused. 

"No, I suppose not." he spoke. 

"But you still couldn't best him in combat which leads me to believe that you would hold back in a fight against one of your former comrades or friends if they betrayed us or were sent to take us out, hypothetically speaking." 

Evie scoffed. "I'm fine, dude. I'll take the shot any day in that scenario. Just ask anybody." 

"It's true." Ashleigh spoke up.

"Yeah, there was this guy. He used to be on our team. He was a psycho. We knew that the day we met him and one day, he just disappeared. Didn't show up at HQ for two weeks and in those two weeks, multiple people had been killed in alleyways. We couldn't track him down and while the three of us were going over some details with Caitlyn, Evie walks in and drops the guy's head on the table." Charlie told him. 

"What does that have to do with the scenario?" 

"They weren't just co-workers. They were.... partners." Ashleigh added. Stanley nodded. 

"Okay, perhaps, I was incorrect about your weak spot. But, in the event that any of us trade sides or somehow fall under mind control of some sort, we'll need to be trained to fight each other. Know the weak spots and all that, so, we'll be going out to an old farm upstate. An old friend of mine owns it but he doesn't stay there often and he said we could stay there. It'll provide us with enough room to train without relying on your powers too much." Stanley told them. They all nodded. 

"Okay, we all agree." they spoke in unison. 

"Good. Go get some rest, you all look like shit." 



The factor occurred to me last night, that Evie can in fact be beaten by someone less powerful than she is, so, I'm here to fix that. Plus, they are soo out of sync and they really do need to train together otherwise, they'd be flat out useless in a battle. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 

Please vote and comment below!! 

Have a good night! 

P.s. I'm a little tired, I might not get another chapter out tonight. 

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