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Two hundred forty second street didn't go well. In fact that techie got it all wrong. The hostages were just decoys so they could break into a bio lab outside of the city. Which made the two superheroes jobs incredibly more complicated since nobody knew where the hell they were going. Essentially the duo was tailing them in an aircraft, with really nothing to follow. All they knew was that they were going to a ship, a much bigger one and that they were either selling whatever they got out of the lab or using it for terroristic purposes both of which were not wanted by the US government or their bosses. 

They could actually see the pathetic little boat the thieves used to get to their cargo ship. The only thing was that they had to be what one would call crafty if they were looking for a nicer word than sneaky or devious. 

Caitlyn had made the executive decision to not come, so it was left to a lower position; this is where scared of heights, Briana comes in. It wasn't even normal scared of heights. Briana had the fear that could either result in projectile vomiting or fainting. Ergo why she stayed for away from the cargo door and the windows. 

"Don't fuck this up. The government is trusting us with this. If we're lucky and get this just right, supes will be allowed back into the military." Briana spoke. Red Veteran was the one that kept his mouth shut this time. 

"If you're telling us not to screw up than I have every right in the world to ask you what universe you came from." Black Phoenix sassed. 

"Shut the fuck up and do your job." Briana shouted. With a laugh, Black Phoenix turned and walked down the ramp with Red Veteran beside her. And they jumped. 

"Where are their goddamn parachutes?" one of the pilots shouted. 

"They don't need them. Close the motherfucking door!" Briana screamed. 

That's as Red Veteran and Black Phoenix plunged through the air from twenty thousand feet. Falling through the air like that gave her a sense of freedom. And typically this kind of fall would be downright horrifying, but even superheroes were supposed to have fun. 

A smile on her face as they descended at high speed. In a way, it was kind of relaxing. Black Phoenix hit the deck of the ship with such force that caused her to tuck and roll, grabbing a knife in the process. She sliced the leg of the nearest man. Her hood fell down and revealed her shoulder-length dark brown hair. 

After slicing the man's leg, she reached up and grabbed the katana off of her back. She raised to her feet and swung the sword so hard that it cut the man's head halfway off. 

Both the Red Veteran and Black Phoenix were extraordinary combatants. Not just because of their strength, speed and durability, but because of their training, Black Phoenix's training originated from the Israeli defense, along with a few other foreign fighting styles. Red Veteran's was a little bit more simple, his fighting style was a lot like MMA, the only difference being that he absolutely never let his opponent know what he was thinking. 

So, as the fighting continued, more bodies dropped, some with less limbs and every one of them were corpses. They weren't the heroes that marched their arrests on the Today show. They were the heroes that got things done quickly and effectively. 

Of course, there were a few that had tried to escape in the chaos. So, when the time came, Black Phoenix let her secret weapon loose. 

People on the street named it 'Cry of the Phoenix'. It was a powerful thing too. The scientific way of describing it would be destructive wave of sonic energy emitted through the vocal cords. It was extraordinarily powerful. There were three men and her 'cry' was powerful enough to make them explode, sending their guts flying like jelly. 

The gift was extremely uncommon and those that did have it could never do what she could. They were only powerful enough to turn bones to dust, to shatter windows and rupture internal organs. Not turn them into a greasy smear on a cargo ship. 

When she was finished using her 'cry', she looked to Red Veteran. For scenarios like this, a device was created to stop her from accidentally harming her teammates. Well, it really just prevented them from being deafened. So, he was perfectly fine. Covered in blood but fine nonetheless. 

"Coms down?" she questioned. 

"Uh huh."  

"Great," she muttered. 


Hello, readers!!!! I am so happy to have finally gotten the opportunity to show you Black Phoenix's full capabilities!!! My biggest worry was never showing you her powers. I'm not sure if I can get another chapter out tonight. Hopefully I can!! 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! Have an amazing night!!! Please Comment and vote!!!!!!!

The Freaksحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن