Slifshire wasn't a good place to be anymore. Well, it was never actually a good place but whatever. There was a good number of reasons that made it a bad place. But despite all the muggings, robberies and murders, the true cause of it's evil and horror was Dr. Poison and his band of villains called The Pristines. No one knew his name, nobody knew what he looked like. Some of the Pristines had been captured, but not even they knew Dr. Poison's true identity. So, the government formed various groups of superheroes in various cities. Slifshire was the darkest of those cities. The city where crime wasn't just crime, it was morbid. They called the operation The Freaks because that's just what they were. These 'Freaks' were mostly public, some of them wanted to live in the glory, almost all of them. Others just wanted to be heard, to be something important. There were seldom few that kept their identities hidden. The Black Phoenix was among them, her team was the only one that never revealed their identities which proved useful. Being born a super wasn't easy for people. There are citizens who consider supers to be disgraceful mutants or spawns from hell. Though, many of them worshipped the heroes. In Slifshire, people were afraid. Not very many people weren't. If a hero saved a citizen, there'd be a shaky thank you and then they'd run away. But, this isn't just about heroes. This is about them as people. Namely one. 

A young woman laid on the couch, reading a book. Nothing could draw her attention, not even the roommate that had been speaking to her for twenty minutes straight or at least tried to. The roommate now frustrated with the woman picked up an apple and threw it at her. The woman caught it effortlessly. 

"Thanks," she spoke. The roommate rolled her eyes. 

"Evie. I'm going to work. Are you gonna be okay?" the roommate questioned. The woman-Evie let out a scoff. 

"Am I going to be okay?" she repeated, shaking her head at the mere thought but stopped when she saw the concern in her friend's eyes. 

"Yeah, Betty, I'll be fine. Besides, I have to go to work too." Evie spoke. Hope returned to Betty's hazel eyes. 

"Okay." Betty smiled. Evie was still listening but had continued to read her book. 

"Now, you go to work. Kick that sexist shit faced bitch's ass and look good doing it." Evie told her. Betty chuckled and grabbed her purse. 

"Alright. I'll see you later. Have a good day." Betty spoke before walking out of the door. As soon as she was sure that Betty was gone, Evie stood up and bolted to her room. 

The Black Phoenix stood in the hallway, outside of an office

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The Black Phoenix stood in the hallway, outside of an office. A mask around her dark brown eyes, her head covered by the hood of her black jacket. It was evident that she didn't want to go in this room, this office on this day specifically but she took a deep breath and walked inside. A blonde woman stood at the window and a group of three sat at the table in the center of the room. She was late... again. 

"Phoenix. You're late." the blonde spoke. Black Phoenix sighed and walked further into the room, taking a seat next to the man in red and black. 

"I'm sorry, Caitlyn. I had a situation." Phoenix replied. Caitlyn turned around. Her hair pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head and her brown eyes devoid of emotion. 

"What kind of situation? Awkward? Strange? Inappropriate?" a man in an old tactical suit of gold and green inquired jokingly. The auburn haired girl dressed in Kevlar, a skirt and knee high boots in colors of blue and white let out a huff. 

"Can you shut your mouth for a few minutes? Honest to god. Like, Vet is the nicest person ever and even he wants rip your tongue out." she spoke. The man in the red and black next to her shifted. 

"Now, I wouldn't go that far.." he started. 

"Red Veteran is the American idol. He would never hurt another member of his team." the gold and green clad man stated, lifting his feet on to the table. 

"No, I really do want to rip your tongue out and shove it down your throat. But I'm far from the nicest person ever." Red Veteran told him. The Blue and Gold girl laughed. Caitlyn sighed and sat down in a chair. 

"The New York team is coming in. The First, they would like to speak with Red Veteran and Black Phoenix. Perhaps even team up for a mission or two." Caitlyn announced. Black Phoenix scoffed. 

"Really? They're so fake, everything they do is staged. If they go on a mission here, they'll get themselves killed." Phoenix replied. Caitlyn turned her head to her. 

"Well, we know that you aren't exactly fond of Earth's greatest heroes. But that's your opinion and you'll keep it to yourself or lose your position." Caitlyn told her firmly. Phoenix rolled her blue eyes. 

"Yeah and you'll replace one of the real heroes with one of those fakers. Good for you, Cattie." Phoenix sassed. Caitlyn sighed. 

"If anything comes up you'll be contacted. For now, you can go and live your lives." Caitlyn told them. The meeting dispersed. Phoenix had wanted to go home and try to keep her annoyance in check. Well, that was exactly what she was going to do. 


Hello, readers! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The Freaks. I'm going to post another chapter tonight hopefully. I've been working on this for weeks and I'm glad that I finally got the first chapter finished. Yay!!! Please comment below, vote and follow me!!! 

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